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[英]Aztec barcode with binary data using ZPL

Is is possible to use ZPL and binary data for aztec barcode? 是否可以将ZPL和二进制数据用于aztec条形码?

I try BluetoothConnection write to send joined array of String encoded in UTF8 and byte data/ 我尝试使用BluetoothConnection写入发送以UTF8编码的字符串编码的字符串数据/

String zplStart;
byte[] aztecData;
String endZpl;

new BluetoothConnection(MAC).write(zplStart.getBytes + aztecData + endZpl);

A expect printed aztec with byte data. 期望印有字节数据的aztec。

The problem was that I used UTF8 encoding (^CI28) because my texts on label was using central Europe fonts. 问题是我使用UTF8编码(^ CI28),因为我在标签上的文字使用的是中欧字体。 Do not know whats the problem with encoding in aztec, because byte of data are always just bytes of data. 不知道aztec中的编码问题是什么,因为数据字节总是只是数据的字节。 So I change encoding back to default before aztec and return UTF8 just after aztec and everything is OK. 所以我在aztec之前将编码改回默认值并在aztec之后返回UTF8并且一切正常。

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