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[英]Dynamically create Auto-Renewable Subscription

Our app was rejected in App Store because we were using 3rd party solution for subscription and was decided to use In-App Purchases ( Auto-Renewable Subscriptions). 我们的应用在App Store中被拒绝,因为我们使用的是第三方解决方案进行订阅,因此决定使用应用内购买(自动更新订阅)。 I went through several tutorials and it seems that the subscription has to be created in App Store Connect and only then it will be available to use in app and that's the problem for us. 我看了几本教程,看来订阅必须在App Store Connect中创建,然后才可以在应用程序中使用,这就是我们的问题。

Our app is something like news app where user can subscribe to some author. 我们的应用类似于新闻应用,用户可以订阅一些作者。 List of authors comes from server therefore hardcode every subscription for each author is not the way to go. 作者列表来自服务器,因此对每个作者的每个订阅进行硬编码都不是可行的方法。

So, Is that possible to somehow implement what I want with In-App Purchases? 那么,是否可以通过应用内购买以某种方式实现我想要的东西? Thanks. 谢谢。

Dynamic Auto-Renewable Subscriptions creation (and dynamic in-app purchase creation in general) is not possible. 无法动态创建自动续订订阅(通常创建动态应用内购买)。 Alternatives would be to sell credits to authors (but this is non-auto renewable). 替代方法是将作者的作品出售给作者(但这是不可自动再生的)。 Another possibility is to sell tiers of subscriptions that grant access to a number of authors. 另一种可能性是出售可以授予许多作者访问权限的订阅层。

There is no option to create subscription dynamically. 没有选项可以动态创建订阅。 Your case is a draw back of iOS subscription platform. 您的情况是iOS订阅平台的缺点。 I have pointed out this problem to Apple subscription team but they were not ready to accept this and forced us to implement in-app subscription, so we had to restrict the number of subscription in app. 我已经向Apple订阅团队指出了这个问题,但是他们还没有准备好接受这一问题,因此我们不得不实施应用程序内订阅,因此我们不得不限制应用程序中的订阅数量。

Only possible option is to create a number of subscription groups, lets say 10 groups representing each author. 唯一可能的选择是创建多个订阅组,比如说每个作者代表10个组。

authorSusbcription1,authorSusbcription2,...authorSusbcription10 authorSusbcription1,authorSusbcription2,... authorSusbcription10

I know it's not a viable solution since the number of authors is indefinite. 我知道这不是一个可行的解决方案,因为作者数量不确定。 But we don't have any option as of now. 但是到目前为止,我们没有任何选择。 You can restrict 10 authors subscription in the app and then prompt users to buy from website if it's exceeds 10.You can show some alert that doesn't violate the in-app rule. 您可以在应用程序中限制10位作者订阅,如果超过10位,则提示用户从网站购买。您可以显示一些不违反应用程序内规则的警报。 For example, "Further subscription is not available in this app" instead of mentioning about your website. 例如,“进一步订阅在此应用程序中不可用”,而不是提及您的网站。 Track this user and use an API to send an email to this user asking to subscribe via website. 跟踪此用户并使用API​​向该用户发送电子邮件,要求通过网站进行订阅。

Unless Apple fix this drawback, we have no other options..! 除非Apple解决此缺陷,否则我们别无选择。

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