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如何为Map javascript指定类型?

[英]How to specify type for Map javascript?

I have two Map() : 我有两个Map()

private dictionaryMap = new Map();
private words = new Map<string, IDictItem>();

After fill words I need to add this map into dictionaryMap . 填充words我需要将此地图添加到dictionaryMap

So,how to specify type for dictionaryMap ? 那么,如何为dictionaryMap指定类型?

I tried: 我试过了:

private dictionaryMap = new Map<string, Map<string, IDictItem>()>();

But seems it is wrong. 但似乎是错误的。

You would need to initialize it first like this 您需要先像这样初始化它

private dictionaryMap = new Map<string, Map<string, IDictItem>>();

and then put it inside the map with a key 然后用钥匙把它放在地图里面

dictionaryMap.set("yourKey", new Map<string, IDictItem>());

You need to set the values or use ! 您需要设置值或使用! to declare they can remain not initialised at the beginning. 声明它们可以在开始时不进行初始化。

interface IDictItem {
  definition: string;

class Foo {
  private words = new Map<string, IDictItem>();
  private dictionaryMap: Map<string, Map<string, IDictItem>>;

    this.words.set("hello", { definition: "word for greeting" });
    this.dictionaryMap = new Map([["key", this.words]])

About your SubjectBehaviour wrapping. 关于您的SubjectBehaviour包装。 I lack some context as to what your needs are but if what you need is to subscribe to dictionary changes. 对于您的需求,我缺乏一定的了解,但是如果您需要订阅字典更改的话。 then something like this should help: 那么这样的事情应该有所帮助:

interface IDictItem {
  definition: string;

class Foo {
  private words = new Map<string, IDictItem>([["hello", { definition: "word for greeting" }]]);
  private dictionaryMap: Map<string, Map<string, IDictItem>>;
  // I was using jsfiddle, so you need to do an actual:
  // import { BehaviorSubject } from "rxjs";
  private dictionaryMapSubject = new rxjs.BehaviorSubject();
  private dictionaryKey = "key"

    this.dictionaryMap = new Map([[this.dictionaryKey, this.words]]);

  public publishDic(): void {
      const dic = this.dictionaryMap.get(this.dictionaryKey);

const foo = new Foo();


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