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如何使用 python regex 解析此日志并使用 Pandas 导出到 excel(可选)?

[英]How to parse this log using python regex and export to excel with pandas (optional)?

I have a log file in the below format.我有以下格式的日志文件。 For each line I need to capture 3rd column eg 0102b69880c4b330 , corresponding message DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG and their respective counts (please see the output).对于每一行,我需要捕获第三列,例如0102b69880c4b330 、相应的消息DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG及其各自的计数(请参阅输出)。 I thought using regular expressions makes solution easier for me.我认为使用正则表达式可以让我更轻松地解决问题。

Explanation :说明

Case 1 : The ID 0102b69880c4b330 occured 3 times (line 1, 2, 3).案例 1 :ID 0102b69880c4b330 3 次(第 1、2、3 行)。 So the count for ID is 3 and the corresponding message DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG also occurred 3 times, so the count 3.所以ID的计数为3,对应的消息DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG也出现了3次,所以计数为3。

Case 2 : Now the ID 0102b69880c4e3b2 in 4th and 5th line has two different messages JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH, DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH , the ID count is 2 but the count for their message should be 1, 1 respectively.案例 2 :现在第 4 行和第 5 行的 ID 0102b69880c4e3b2有两条不同的消息JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH, DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH ,ID 计数为 2,但它们的消息计数应分别为 1、1。

Case 3 : The ID 0102b6988000000c in 10th line to last line has message DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK .情况 3 :第 10 行到最后一行中的 ID 0102b6988000000c具有消息DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK The ID count is 3, message count is 3. But here I need to take the process task id and workflow id which is next to this error message. ID 计数为 3,消息计数为 3。但这里我需要获取此错误消息旁边的流程任务 id 和工作流 id。

I used [Ignore for this] in output to just explain I don't need id's.我在输出中使用了[Ignore for this]来解释我不需要 ID。

And finally I also need to maintain the total count of DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK .最后,我还需要维护DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK的总数。

2019-05-05T00:05:11.507245  12090[12090]    0102b69880c4b330    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info: Attempting to status Index Agent Instance host-address_9200_IndexAgent
2019-05-05T00:05:11.759829  12090[12090]    0102b69880c4b330    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info : Response from HTTP_POST command: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Status: 0 , Time Taken: 0 seconds.
2019-05-05T00:05:11.759898  12090[12090]    0102b69880c4b330    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info : HTTP_POST with args -command status -docbase SubWayX -user dm_fulltext_index_user -ticket ****** -instance host-address_9200_IndexAgent -details false to Index Agent host-address_9200_IndexAgent is successful.
2019-05-05T01:40:53.148751  20135[20135]    0102b69880c4e3b2    JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: do_method launch: successful: user: Xie Xiaoke, session id: 0102b69880c4e3b2, JMS id: 0802b69880003535, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod, host:host-address.net, port:9082, path:/DmMethods/servlet/DoMethod 
2019-05-05T01:40:53.148877  20135[20135]    0102b69880c4e3b2    DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: method launch: successful, user: Xie Xiaoke, session id: 0102b69880c4e3b2, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod
2019-05-07T05:42:21.171087  22484[22484]    0102b6988000000b    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  "Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800aad04 of workflow 4d02b6988000f709. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'Demote to Draft with new Version'. Check the Java Method Server log for errors."
2019-05-05T05:24:48.483966  17114[17114]    0102b69880c4fb1e    JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: user: dmadmin, session id: 0102b69880c4fb1e, JMS id: 0802b69880003535, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod, host:host-address.net, port:9082, path:/DmMethods/servlet/DoMethod, arguments:-method_verb com.emc.d2.api.methods.D2Method -class_name com.emc.d2.api.methods.D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod -__dm_docbase__ SubWayX -__dm_server_config__ host-address_SubWayX -docbase_name SubWayX -user_name dmadmin -method_return_id "0802b6988167b46e" -locale en
2019-05-05T05:24:50.362650  17114[17114]    0102b69880c4fb1e    JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: do_method launch: successful: user: dmadmin, session id: 0102b69880c4fb1e, JMS id: 0802b69880003535, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod, host:host-address.net, port:9082, path:/DmMethods/servlet/DoMethod 
2019-05-05T05:24:50.362702  17114[17114]    0102b69880c4fb1e    DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: method launch: successful, user: dmadmin, session id: 0102b69880c4fb1e, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod
2019-05-05T05:44:35.410674  12791[12791]    0102b6988000000c    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  "Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800a977c of workflow 4d02b698800107e9. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'validate entry conditions for Effective'. Method timed out within 60 secs."
2019-05-05T05:50:31.383668  12791[12791]    0102b6988000000c    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  "Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800a9782 of workflow 4d02b6988001081e. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'validate entry conditions for Effective'. Method timed out within 60 secs."
2019-05-05T05:53:49.978053  12791[12791]    0102b6988000000c    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  "Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800a9784 of workflow 4d02b6988001081c. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'validate entry conditions for Effective'. Method timed out within 60 secs."
2019-05-05T00:50:11.761273  2591[2591]  0102b69880c4ccde    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info: Attempting to status Index Agent Instance phchbs-sp220333_9200_IndexAgent
2019-05-05T00:50:12.015521  2591[2591]  0102b69880c4ccde    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info : Response from HTTP_POST command: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Status: 0 , Time Taken: 1 seconds.
2019-05-05T00:50:12.015563  2591[2591]  0102b69880c4ccde    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info : HTTP_POST with args -command status -docbase SubWayX -user dm_fulltext_index_user -ticket ****** -instance phchbs-sp220333_9200_IndexAgent -details false to Index Agent phchbs-sp220333_9200_IndexAgent is successful.

I need to get the below output:

ID:                 Count:          Message:                                            Corresponding Message Count         Task ID:                                                Workflow ID
0102b69880c4b330     3              DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG                  3                                   [Ignore for this]                                       [Ignore for this]
0102b69880c4e3b2     2              JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH, DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH  1, 1                                [Ignore for this]                                       [Ignore for this]
0102b6988000000b     1              DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK                     1                                   4a02b698800aad04                                        4d02b6988000f709
0102b69880c4fb1e     3              JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH, DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH  2, 1                                [Ignore for this]                                       [Ignore for this]
0102b6988000000c     3              DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK                     3                                   4a02b698800a977c, 4a02b698800a9782, 4a02b698800a9784    4d02b698800107e9, 4d02b6988001081e, 4d02b6988001081c 

The program I have tried for testing is below.我尝试过的测试程序如下。 I have not properly used regex after ID column, I just picked the value that contains value within [], but it skips that doesn't.我在 ID 列之后没有正确使用正则表达式,我只是选择了包含 [] 中的值的值,但它跳过了不包含的值。 And it doesn't pick process task id and workflow id as well.它也不会选择流程任务 ID 和工作流 ID。 Can you help me how to modify my code to get the proper count, task id and workflow id?你能帮我修改我的代码以获得正确的计数、任务 ID 和工作流 ID 吗?

import re
import collections

regexp = re.compile(
ls = ["2019-05-05T00:05:11.507245   12090[12090]    0102b69880c4b330    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info: Attempting to status Index Agent Instance host-address_9200_IndexAgent",
      "2019-05-05T00:05:11.759829   12090[12090]    0102b69880c4b330    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info : Response from HTTP_POST command: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Status: 0 , Time Taken: 0 seconds.",
      "2019-05-05T00:05:11.759898   12090[12090]    0102b69880c4b330    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info : HTTP_POST with args -command status -docbase SubWayX -user dm_fulltext_index_user -ticket ****** -instance host-address_9200_IndexAgent -details false to Index Agent host-address_9200_IndexAgent is successful.",
      "2019-05-05T01:40:53.148751   20135[20135]    0102b69880c4e3b2    JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: do_method launch: successful: user: Xie Xiaoke, session id: 0102b69880c4e3b2, JMS id: 0802b69880003535, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod, host:host-address.net, port:9082, path:/DmMethods/servlet/DoMethod",
      "2019-05-05T01:40:53.148877   20135[20135]    0102b69880c4e3b2    DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: method launch: successful, user: Xie Xiaoke, session id: 0102b69880c4e3b2, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod",
      "2019-05-07T05:42:21.171087   22484[22484]    0102b6988000000b    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  'Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800aad04 of workflow 4d02b6988000f709. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'Demote to Draft with new Version'. Check the Java Method Server log for errors.'",
      "2019-05-05T05:44:35.410674   12791[12791]    0102b6988000000c    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  'Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800a977c of workflow 4d02b698800107e9. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'validate entry conditions for Effective'. Method timed out within 60 secs.'",
      "2019-05-05T05:50:31.383668   12791[12791]    0102b6988000000c    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  'Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800a9782 of workflow 4d02b6988001081e. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'validate entry conditions for Effective'. Method timed out within 60 secs.'",
      "2019-05-05T05:53:49.978053   12791[12791]    0102b6988000000c    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  'Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800a9784 of workflow 4d02b6988001081c. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'validate entry conditions for Effective'. Method timed out within 60 secs.'"

id_counter = collections.Counter()
message_counter = collections.Counter()

for i in range(len(ls)):
    x = regexp.match(ls[i])
    y = re.search(regexp, ls[i])
    if x is None or y is None:



def print_counts(cdict):
    for key, values in enumerate(cdict.items()):
        print(key, values)


The output for this is:这个输出是:

Counter({'0102b69880c4b330\t': 3, '0102b6988000000c\t': 3, '0102b6988000000b    ': 1})
0 ('0102b69880c4b330\t', 3)
1 ('0102b6988000000b    ', 1)
2 ('0102b6988000000c\t', 3)

Starting with the input data as text:从输入数据作为文本开始:

txt = """
2019-05-05T00:05:11.507245  12090[12090]    0102b69880c4b330    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info: Attempting to status Index Agent Instance host-address_9200_IndexAgent
2019-05-05T00:05:11.759829  12090[12090]    0102b69880c4b330    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info : Response from HTTP_POST command: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Status: 0 , Time Taken: 0 seconds.
2019-05-05T00:05:11.759898  12090[12090]    0102b69880c4b330    [DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG] info : HTTP_POST with args -command status -docbase SubWayX -user dm_fulltext_index_user -ticket ****** -instance host-address_9200_IndexAgent -details false to Index Agent host-address_9200_IndexAgent is successful.
2019-05-05T01:40:53.148751  20135[20135]    0102b69880c4e3b2    JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: do_method launch: successful: user: Xie Xiaoke, session id: 0102b69880c4e3b2, JMS id: 0802b69880003535, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod, host:host-address.net, port:9082, path:/DmMethods/servlet/DoMethod 
2019-05-05T01:40:53.148877  20135[20135]    0102b69880c4e3b2    DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: method launch: successful, user: Xie Xiaoke, session id: 0102b69880c4e3b2, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod
2019-05-07T05:42:21.171087  22484[22484]    0102b6988000000b    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  "Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800aad04 of workflow 4d02b6988000f709. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'Demote to Draft with new Version'. Check the Java Method Server log for errors."
2019-05-05T05:24:48.483966  17114[17114]    0102b69880c4fb1e    JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: user: dmadmin, session id: 0102b69880c4fb1e, JMS id: 0802b69880003535, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod, host:host-address.net, port:9082, path:/DmMethods/servlet/DoMethod, arguments:-method_verb com.emc.d2.api.methods.D2Method -class_name com.emc.d2.api.methods.D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod -__dm_docbase__ SubWayX -__dm_server_config__ host-address_SubWayX -docbase_name SubWayX -user_name dmadmin -method_return_id "0802b6988167b46e" -locale en
2019-05-05T05:24:50.362650  17114[17114]    0102b69880c4fb1e    JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: do_method launch: successful: user: dmadmin, session id: 0102b69880c4fb1e, JMS id: 0802b69880003535, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod, host:host-address.net, port:9082, path:/DmMethods/servlet/DoMethod 
2019-05-05T05:24:50.362702  17114[17114]    0102b69880c4fb1e    DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH: method launch: successful, user: dmadmin, session id: 0102b69880c4fb1e, method: D2LifecycleChangeStateMethod
2019-05-05T05:44:35.410674  12791[12791]    0102b6988000000c    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  "Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800a977c of workflow 4d02b698800107e9. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'validate entry conditions for Effective'. Method timed out within 60 secs."
2019-05-05T05:50:31.383668  12791[12791]    0102b6988000000c    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  "Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800a9782 of workflow 4d02b6988001081e. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'validate entry conditions for Effective'. Method timed out within 60 secs."
2019-05-05T05:53:49.978053  12791[12791]    0102b6988000000c    [DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK]error:  "Workflow Agent failed to process task 4a02b698800a9784 of workflow 4d02b6988001081c. The task is using method 'D2WFLifeCycleMethod'. Activity: 'validate entry conditions for Effective'. Method timed out within 60 secs."

We can do some preprocessing, first split into lines and discard empty lines:我们可以做一些预处理,先拆分成行,丢弃空行:

lines = [line for line in txt.split('\n') if line.strip()]

Then extract the chunks we're interested in, but just a rough (and very fast) splitting of the data然后提取我们感兴趣的块,但只是对数据进行粗略(且非常快速)的拆分

parts = [(line[44:60], line[64:].split(':', 1))  for line in lines]

update: since your new data is not fixed width, we'll need some other way of pre-processing it, eg:更新:由于您的新数据不是固定宽度,我们需要一些其他的预处理方式,例如:

# parts = [(line[44:60], line[64:].split(':', 1))  for line in lines]
import re
lines = [re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', line) for line in lines]   # squash all multiple spaces to a single space
parts = [line.split() for line in lines]  # split on whitespace
parts = [(line[2], ' '.join(line[3:]).split(':', 1)) for line in parts]  # this is similar to the original line

remember, this part is only to make the final processing in the InputData class below easier.请记住,这部分只是为了让下面的 InputData 类中的最终处理更容易。

Then we create a data structure for the input data we're interested in, that can take the pre-processed data we have in parts:然后我们为我们感兴趣的输入数据创建一个数据结构,它可以将我们拥有的预处理数据分成几部分:

class InputData(object):
    def __init__(self, idtag, (msg, details)):  # py3 is more awkward here (*)
        self.idtag = idtag
        self.error_task = None
        self.error_workflow = None
        msg = msg.strip()
        if msg.endswith('] info'):
            self.msg = msg[1:-len('] info')]
        elif msg.endswith('error'):
            self.msg = msg[1:-len(']error')]
            self.error_task = details.split(' task ', 1)[1].split(' ', 1)[0]
            self.error_workflow = details.split(' workflow ', 1)[1].split('.', 1)[0]
            self.msg = msg

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.__dict__)  # this is a great trick for making debugging easier

(*) for py3 you'll need (not sure why they changed this...?) (*) 对于 py3 你需要(不知道他们为什么改变这个......?)

def __init__(self, idtag, tmp):
    msg, details = tmp

Now we can apply this class to the pre-processed input:现在我们可以将这个类应用于预处理的输入:

input_data = [InputData(*part) for part in parts]

and if we print out what we have so far:如果我们打印出到目前为止我们所拥有的:

for d in input_data:
    print d

the result is:结果是:

{'error_workflow': None, 'error_task': None, 'idtag': '0102b69880c4b330', 'msg': 'DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG'}
{'error_workflow': None, 'error_task': None, 'idtag': '0102b69880c4b330', 'msg': 'DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG'}
{'error_workflow': None, 'error_task': None, 'idtag': '0102b69880c4b330', 'msg': 'DM_FT_INDEX_T_INIT_INDEX_AGENT_MSG'}
{'error_workflow': None, 'error_task': None, 'idtag': '0102b69880c4e3b2', 'msg': 'JMS DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH'}
{'error_workflow': None, 'error_task': None, 'idtag': '0102b69880c4e3b2', 'msg': 'DO_METHOD TRACE LAUNCH'}
{'error_workflow': '4d02b6988000f709', 'error_task': '4a02b698800aad04', 'idtag': '0102b6988000000b', 'msg': 'DM_WORKFLOW_E_PROCESS_AUTO_TASK'}

Now we create a class representing the data we want in the output:现在我们创建一个类来表示我们想要的输出数据:

from collections import defaultdict

class OutputData(object):
    def __init__(self):   # I'm using this class in a defaultdict, so the __init__ method can't take any arguments
        self.idtag = None
        self.idtag_count = 0
        self.messages = defaultdict(int)
        self.errors = []
        self.workflows = []

    def add(self, indata):
        "Adds indata to this object."
        self.idtag = indata.idtag
        self.idtag_count += 1
        self.messages[indata.msg] += 1        
        if indata.error_task:

and feed out input data into it:并将输入数据输入其中:

output_data = defaultdict(OutputData)

for indata in input_data:

finally, we can output the output data in the desired format:最后,我们可以输出所需格式的输出数据:

fmt = '%-20s %-6s %-55s %-15s %-60s %s'

print fmt % ('ID:', 'Count:', 'Message:', 'msg counts', 'taskid', 'workflowid')
for outdata in output_data.values():
    print fmt % (
        ', '.join(outdata.messages.keys()),
        ', '.join(str(outdata.messages[k]) for k in outdata.messages.keys()),
        ', '.join(outdata.errors),
        ', '.join(outdata.workflows)

This type of structure, ie.: pre-process text, extract interesting input data, convert input data to output data, and finally serializing/formatting the output data;这种类型的结构,即:预处理文本,提取有趣的输入数据,将输入数据转换为输出数据,最后对输出数据进行序列化/格式化; works well for all such problems, and it makes it easier to both debug and modify in the future.适用于所有此类问题,并且可以更轻松地在将来进行调试和修改。

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