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在雄辩的ORM(Laravel PHP)中检索关系数据

[英]Retrieving relationship data in Eloquent ORM (Laravel PHP)

I'm creating Laravel app and I'm retrieving data from DB with Eloquent ORM while responding with a JSON response. 我正在创建Laravel应用,并使用Eloquent ORM从数据库检索数据,同时以JSON响应进行响应。 In this example I'm getting matches with some other relevant data by relationship (player1, matchRule...). 在此示例中,我通过关系(player1,matchRule ...)获得了与其他一些相关数据的匹配。

public function test() {
    $match = Match::where("state", 2)
        ->with("player1", "player2", "points", "matchRule")->first();

    return response()->json($match); // CASE A
    return response()->json((object) ["id" => $match->id]); // CASE B
    return response()->json((object) ["rule" => $match->match_rule]); // CASE C

In case A, everything's fine and all relevant data are returned. 在情况A中,一切正常,并返回所有相关数据。 Example: 例:

   "id": 7,
   "some_other_match_property": "something",
   "match_rule": {
      "rule_1": "something",
      "rule_2": "something",


In case B, I'm getting just id of match and it also works just fine. 如果是B,我得到的只是match的ID,它也可以正常工作。

   "id": 7

I case C, I'm trying to get property match_rule but I'm getting null. 我是C,我想获取属性match_rule但我得到的是null。 Why? 为什么? As you can see, it is present in the $match object when returning the entire match in case A. 如您所见,在情况A中返回整个匹配项时,它存在于$match对象中。

    "rule": null

At first glance I can see that you load your matchRule relationship like this ( camel case ): 乍一看,我可以看到您像这样加载了matchRule关系( 驼峰案例 ):

$match = Match::where("state", 2)
    ->with("player1", "player2", "points", "matchRule")->first();

But then you are accessing the relationship like this instead ( snake case ): 但是然后您访问的是这样的关系( 蛇形 ):

return response()->json((object) ["rule" => $match->match_rule]);

Those are not equivalent. 这些是不相等的。 Try this instead: 尝试以下方法:

return response()->json((object) ["rule" => $match->matchRule]);

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