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重新启动/注销/登录后,如何使Python3.6 Red Hat Software Collection持久存在?

[英]How can I make Python3.6, Red Hat Software Collection, persist after a reboot/logout/login?

I am trying to enable rh-python36 software collection after reboot So I can avoid calling "scl enable" all the time. 我试图在重新启动后启用rh-python36软件收集,所以我可以避免一直调用“ scl enable”。
After unzipping and installing the package: 解压缩并安装软件包后:

yum install -y tmp/rpms/*

I created a new file "python36.sh" under /etc/profile.d with the following script: 我使用以下脚本在/etc/profile.d下创建了一个新文件“ python36.sh”:

source /opt/rh/rh-python36/enable
export X_SCLS="`scl enable rh-python36 'echo $X_SCLS'`"

After restarting or rebooting the instance, I am getting : No such file or directoryenable 重新启动或重新启动实例后,我得到: No such file or directoryenable
I am using CentOS release 6.10 (Final) 我正在使用CentOS版本6.10(最终版)

Try this: 尝试这个:

source scl_source enable rh-python36

Reference Doc: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/527703 参考文档: https : //access.redhat.com/solutions/527703


source /opt/rh/rh-python36/enable

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