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[英]Fail to import typescript module built from bazel

I try to build a node module using @bazel/typescript and npm_package rules of bazel using bazel build //core:package . 我尝试使用bazel build //core:package使用@ bazel / typescriptbpmel的npm_package规则构建节点模块。 Below is my BUILD file 下面是我的BUILD文件

package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
load("@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl", "ts_library")
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:defs.bzl", "npm_package")

  name = "core",
  srcs = glob(["*.ts"]),

  name = "package",
  srcs = ["package.json"],
  deps = [":core"],
  replacements = {"//internal/": "//"},

Then I run bazel run //core:package.pack and it generates a .tgz file and I install this module by running npm install ./xxx.tgz -s . 然后我运行bazel run //core:package.pack并生成一个.tgz文件,我通过运行npm install ./xxx.tgz -s安装这个模块。 Everything works well until I try to import this module using import * as core from 'core'; 一切顺利,直到我尝试使用import * as core from 'core';导入此模块import * as core from 'core';

It gives me error says Error: Cannot find module 'core/index' 它给我错误说Error: Cannot find module 'core/index'

The declaration files of the module looks like this 模块的声明文件如下所示

/// <amd-module name="core/index" />
export * from './public_api';

/// <amd-module name="core/public_api" />
export declare const foo = "foo";
export declare const bar = "bar";

My questions are: 我的问题是:

  1. it is not able to imported because it is a amd module? 它无法导入,因为它是一个amd模块?
  2. how to I resolve this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题?

Please help!!! 请帮忙!!!

Okay, I find the answer myself. 好的,我自己找到了答案。 From ts_library doc, it does not explain and list an example to use a parameter called 从ts_library doc,它没有解释和列出使用被调用参数的示例


If you do not pass this parameter when you try to build a module , it will make the file path as the module name which will cause importing issues. 如果在尝试构建模块时未传递此参数,则会将文件路径作为模块名称,这将导致导入问题。

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