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[英]Avoid JavaScript Replication in partial views

This code is used to remove a cart-item from a partial view. 此代码用于从局部视图中删除购物车项目。

$(document).on('click', '.RemoveLink', (function (e) {
    var recordToDelete = $(this).attr("data-id");
    var itemID = $(this).attr("data-itemid");
    if (recordToDelete != '') {
        $.post("/ShoppingCart/RemoveFromCart", { "id": recordToDelete, "itemID": itemID },
            function () {
                $('.container-cart').load('@Url.Action("cartDropDown","ShoppingCart")', function () {
                    $('.cart-dropdown').css('display', 'inline-block');

This works well for the first iteration but from the second iteration on-wards, every click of a remove of an item is resulting in deletion of 2 items of a kind. 这对于第一次迭代效果很好,但是从第二次迭代开始,每次单击删除某项都会导致删除2种同类项。 Suppose we had 4 items of pencils and 8 items of pens. 假设我们有4支铅笔和8支笔。 Clicking delete pencil button once will result in deletion of 2 pencils and vice versa. 单击删除铅笔按钮一次将导致删除2支铅笔,反之亦然。

This is probably because of the logic used. 这可能是由于所使用的逻辑。 Following is the html that is rendered when $('.container-cart').load('@Url.Action("cartDropDown","ShoppingCart")' executes: 以下是执行$('.container-cart').load('@Url.Action("cartDropDown","ShoppingCart")'执行时呈现的html:

@model OnlineStore.ViewModels.ShoppingCartViewModel
<div class="container-cart">
    @if (Model.ItemCount == 0)
                There are no items in your cart. Continue shopping.
        <ul class="cart-dropdown">
                <div class="cart-items cart-caption">
                        @foreach (var i in Model.CartItems)
                            <li id="list-item-@i.item.ItemID">
                                <div class="container-fluid item-wrap" style="position: relative">
                                    <div class="item-remove">
                                        <a href="#" class="RemoveLink"
                                           data-id="@i.RecordID" data-itemid="@i.item.ItemID">
                                    <div class="col-md-2 item-img">
                                        <div class="row-cart">
                                            <img alt="" id="cartImg" height="71" width="75" src="@i.item.ImageUrl">
                                    <div class="col-md-5 item-info">
                                        <div class="row-cart">
                                            <div class="brand-name">
                                                <a href="#" class="brandName">
                                            <div class="product-name">
                                                <a href="#" class="productName">
                                            <div class="product-qty">
                                                <p class="productQTY" id="item-count-@i.item.ItemID">
                                                    @i.Count x @i.item.ItemPrice
                                    <div class="col-md-5 price-info">
                                        <div class="row-cart" style="margin-top: 10px">
                                            <div class="col-md-6">
                                                <div class="row-mrp">
                                                    <span class="cartItemPrice" id="item-total-@i.item.ItemID">
                                                        Rs @(@i.Count * @i.item.ItemPrice)
            <li class="clearfix">
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <div class="row-cart sub-cost" style="background: #fff; margin-left: -10px; margin-right: 0">
                            Sub Total :
                            <span style="float: right">
                                <span class="ng-binding"></span>
                            Delivery Charge :
                            <span qa="delChargeMB" style="float: right">Free</span>
                    <div class="row-cart cart-chkout-btn">
                        <button type="button">View Basket &amp; Checkout</button>

This html is the partial view that is initially rendered when user clicks a button to view the cart-items. 此html是用户单击按钮以查看购物车项目时最初呈现的局部视图。 So when user clicks on 'remove an item' button on this partial view, an ajax call is sent to server to remove an item from the cart-items and on success, load the UI again by rendering this partial view once again with new values from the database. 因此,当用户在此局部视图上单击“删除项目”按钮时,会向服务器发送一个ajax调用,以从购物车项目中删除一个项目,成功后,通过使用新值再次渲染此局部视图来再次加载UI从数据库中。

All this is working fine for the first iteration of the deletion of an item from the cart-item list. 对于从购物车商品列表中删除商品的第一次迭代,所有这些工作都很好。 But when I'm deleting an item again as a second deletion, code is running twice. 但是,当我再次删除项目作为第二次删除时,代码运行两次。 I'm guessing this is because <div class="container-cart"> is rendered twice on the page as after the first deletion, I can see it on the live DOM inside the browser that <div class="container-cart"> is encolsed inside another <div class="container-cart"> and then the normal elements are rendered in sequence. 我猜这是因为<div class="container-cart">在页面上呈现了两次,因为第一次删除后,我可以在浏览器中的实时DOM上看到<div class="container-cart">封装在另一个<div class="container-cart"> ,然后按顺序呈现普通元素。 I'm guessing maybe that's why javaScript is rendered twice or running twice. 我猜这也许就是为什么javaScript渲染两次或运行两次的原因。

Please suggest what you think about it and help me resolve it. 请提出您的想法并帮助我解决。

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

After deletion of an item try to use location.reload(); 删除项目后,尝试使用location.reload();。 instead of hitting the MVC action method again! 而不是再次点击MVC操作方法!

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