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[英]@Autowired usage in Annotation type declaration

I understand @Autowired used for dependency injection 我了解@Autowired用于依赖项注入

Marks a constructor, field, setter method or config method as to be autowired by Spring's dependency injection facilities. 将构造函数,字段,setter方法或config方法标记为由Spring的依赖项注入工具自动装配。

But what's the usage for Annotation type declaration that is defined 但是定义的注释类型声明有什么用


Is there any usage/effect for defining @Autowired in custom annotation: 在自定义注释中定义@Autowired是否有任何用法/效果:

public @interface MyAnnotation {

I didn't find any references in Spring docs 我在Spring文档中找不到任何参考

By default, the autowiring will fail whenever zero candidate beans are available; 默认情况下,每当有零个候选bean可用时,自动装配都会失败。 the default behavior is to treat annotated methods, constructors, and fields as indicating required dependencies. 默认行为是将带注释的方法,构造函数和字段视为指示所需的依赖项。

If you place @Autowired annotation above other annotation declaration, the new annotation will have the same effect as @Autowired annotation. 如果将@Autowired注释放在其他注释声明的上方,则新注释将与@Autowired注释具有相同的效果。 For example, in your case you can use @MyAnnotation above constructor, field, setter method or config method as to be autowired by Spring's dependency injection facilities. 例如,在您的情况下,可以在构造函数,字段,setter方法或config方法上方使用@MyAnnotation ,以通过Spring的依赖项注入工具自动进行连接。

Moreover, you may discover, that @Controller annotation in spring framework declared as @Component . 此外,您可能会发现spring框架中的@Controller注释声明为@Component As result, classes that marked as @Controller also created as container beans. 结果,标记为@Controller类也创建为容器bean。

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