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[英]TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not Slot

I am trying to access values of a list containing instances of a Class 我正在尝试访问包含类实例的列表的值

This is how I store the elements in a list 这就是我将元素存储在列表中的方式

class Slot:
    def __init__(self, slot, available):
        self.slot = slot
        self.available = available

for i in range(rangeHours):
    timeSlots[i] = Slot(hours[i],free[i])

This is the code that gives me an error 这是给我一个错误的代码

for call in calls:
    if call == 1:
        for i in timeSlots:
            if timeSlots[i].available == True:
                patient[i] = Patient(timeSlots[i].slot)
                timeSlots[i].available == False

Error code: 错误代码:

if timeSlots[i].available == True: TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not Slot 如果timeSlots [i] .available == True:TypeError:列表索引必须是整数或切片,而不是Slot

Thank you for your help. 谢谢您的帮助。

You should use a dict instead of a list . 您应该使用字典而不是列表 You can also use a list for the same purpose, but not the way you structured your code. 您也可以出于相同目的使用列表 ,但不能出于结构化代码的目的。 Why? 为什么? Let's see in detail what you are doing: 让我们详细了解您在做什么:

# Lets say you have an empty list:

time_slots = []

You loop through integers and append them into your list: 您遍历整数并将其附加到列表中:

for i in range(rangeHours):

After the first iteration, you list will be: 第一次迭代后,您将列出:

# time_slots = [0]

Then you are accessing the same element you have just appended using it as index: 然后,您将访问刚刚使用它作为索引附加的同一元素:

# time_slots[0] = 0 , which in this case, the element you accessed is 0

Then you change this element to be your Slot class: 然后,将此元素更改为Slot类:

# time_slots[0] = Slot(hours[0],free[0])

Which directly overwrites what you have just put into your list. 这将直接覆盖您刚刚放入列表中的内容。 In short, time_slots.append(i) has no effect. 简而言之,time_slots.append(i)无效。

I think you should use a dict instead: 我认为您应该改用dict

time_slots = {}
for i in range(rangeHours):
    time_slots[i] = Slot(hours[i],free[i])

Then you can do: 然后,您可以执行以下操作:

for call in calls:
    if call == 1:
        for slot_index, slot_class in time_slots.items():
            if slot_class.available == True:
                patient[slot_index] = Patient(slot_class.slot)
                slot_class.available == False

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