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[英]What is the best way to get response without HATEOAS?

I tried get entity by Data JPA & Data Rest without HATEOAS. 我尝试通过Data JPA和Data Rest获取实体而不使用HATEOAS。

The condition is that I use the HATEOAS form, and sometimes I need a pure Json response. 条件是我使用HATEOAS表单,有时我需要一个纯Json响应。

So I'm creating JSON by creating the controller path separately from the repository's endpoint and creating the DTO class separately. 所以我通过分别从存储库的端点创建控制器路径并分别创建DTO类来创建JSON。

this is my code : 这是我的代码:

public class MetricController {

    private MetricRepository metricRepository;

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/metrics/in/{id}")
    public @ResponseBody
    MetricDTO getMetric(@PathVariable Long id) {
        return MetricDTO.fromEntity(metricRepository.getOne(id));

public interface MetricRepository extends JpaRepository<Metric, Long> { }

public class MetricDTO {
    private SourceType sourceType;
    private String metricTypeField;
    private String metricType;
    private String instanceType;
    private String instanceTypeField;
    private List<String> metricIdFields;
    private List<String> valueFields;
    private Map<String, String> virtualFieldValueEx;

    public static MetricDTO fromEntity(Metric metric) {
        return new MetricDTO(

It's the way I do, but I expect there will be better options and patterns. 这就是我的方式,但我希望会有更好的选择和模式。

The question is, I wonder if this is the best way. 问题是,我想知道这是不是最好的方法。

HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) is a constraint of the REST application architecture. HATEOAS (超媒体作为应用程序状态的引擎)是REST应用程序体系结构的约束。 It basically tells that anyone who is a consumer of your REST endpoints can navigate between them with the help of the link. 它基本上告诉任何作为REST端点的消费者的人可以在链接的帮助下在它们之间导航。

let take your example 让我们举个例子

**HTTP Method**  **Relation (rel)**          **Link** 
GET                Up                          /metrics/in
GET                Self                        /metrics/in/{id}
GET                SourceType                  /sourceType/{id}  
GET                metricIdFields              /url for each in JSON aarray
Delete             Delete                      /employe/{employeId}

Use org.springframework.hateoas.Links class to create such link in your DTOs. 使用org.springframework.hateoas.Links类在您的DTO中创建此类链接。

in you DTO add 在你DTO添加

public class MetricDTO {
  private Links links;
  //Getters and setters
  //inside your setters add SLEF , GET , create Delete for current resource


https://www.baeldung.com/spring-hateoas-tutorial https://www.baeldung.com/spring-hateoas-tutorial

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