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[英]Class variable assignment is not working inside a Alamofire request block

I am trying to assign a Alamofire request result to a TableView class variable. 我正在尝试将Alamofire请求结果分配给TableView类变量。

I have realized that when I use the self.notifications variable within Alamofire request block, it works. 我已经意识到,当我在Alamofire请求块中使用self.notifications变量时,它可以工作。 But when I call self.notifications outside of Alamofire it is nil and self.notifications is not be assigned by reference. 但是,当我打电话之外self.notifications Alamofire它是零,self.notifications并非依据进行分配。 It seems like a copy variable 好像是一个复制变量

class NotificationsTableView: UITableViewController{

    var notifications: Notification!
    let uri = Helper.URLDEV + "/api_x/notifications/"
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        tableView.cellLayoutMarginsFollowReadableWidth = true
        self.tableView.delegate = self
        self.tableView.dataSource = self
        print("Table loaded")
        let auth_code = ["Authorization": "Token " + Helper.getMyToken() ]
        Alamofire.request(self.uri, parameters: nil, encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: auth_code).responseJSON { response in
            guard let data = response.data else { return }
            do {
                let decoder = JSONDecoder()
                //This is working properly
                self.notifications = try decoder.decode(Notification.self, from: data)
                print(self.notifications?.results?[2].notificationData?.body ?? 999)

            } catch let error {
        print("URI: \(uri)")
        //Here is just nil, if I didn't assign a value before
        print(self.notifications == nil)

I expect self.notifications to not be nil after Alamofire request 我希望Alamofire请求后Alamofire不会为零

The code in alamofire response will be executed when some response is received from the URL. 当从URL接收到某些响应时,将执行alamofire响应中的代码。 Here the execution pointer is not going to wait for that response as it is a asynchronous call back and will continue to execute the next statement. 在这里,执行指针将不等待该响应,因为它是异步回调,并且将继续执行下一条语句。 So It will execute the statement outside the Alamofire first and as it is not initialised with any value, it will be nil and after some response is received some value is assigned to the class variable. 因此,它将首先在Alamofire外部执行该语句,并且由于未使用任何值对其进行初始化,因此它将为nil,并且在收到某些响应之后,会将一些值分配给类变量。

Below link will be able to get you through the async code 下面的链接将使您了解异步代码

https://medium.com/ios-os-x-development/managing-async-code-in-swift-d7be44cae89f https://medium.com/ios-os-x-development/managing-async-code-in-swift-d7be44cae89f

最后,问题是使用Alamofire同步从此解决了回购 ,甚至与一个更干净的代码。

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