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python api show聚合openstack中的虚拟机管理程序

[英]python api show aggregates hypervisors in openstack

I can't get information about availability_zone(aggregate) hypervisors in OpenStack API. 我无法在OpenStack API中获取有关availability_zone(聚合)虚拟机监控程序的信息。 I try to list all hypervisors on the same AZ. 我尝试在同一个AZ上列出所有虚拟机管理程序。

openstack aggregate list  
| ID | Name           | Availability Zone |
|  3 | zone19         | zone1             |
|  4 | zone20         | zone2             |
|  6 | zone22         | zone3             |

openstack aggregate show  zone19
| Field             | Value                                                                |
| availability_zone | zone1                                                                 |
| created_at        | 2017-06-22T14:14:55.000000                                           |
| deleted           | False                                                                |
| deleted_at        | None                                                                 |
| hosts             | [u'compute101', u'compute102'] |
| id                | 3                                                                    |
| name              | zone19                                                       |
| properties        |                                                                      |
| updated_at        | None                                                                 |
servers = nova.aggregates.list()
print("servers", servers)

('servers', [<Aggregate: 3>, <Aggregate: 4>, <Aggregate: 6>])

Ok, i found solution for my case. 好的,我为我的案子找到了解决方案。 It's not really hard but first what i found was how to take JSON from API with information with AZ. 这并不是很难,但我首先发现的是如何从API中获取带有AZ信息的JSON。

First in openstack CLI: 首先在openstack CLI中:

-f json -f json

$ openstack aggregate show -f json zone19

then response is: 然后回应是:

  "name": "zone19", 
  "availability_zone": "zone1", 
  "deleted": false, 
  "created_at": "2017-06-22T14:14:55.000000", 
  "updated_at": null, 
  "properties": "", 
  "hosts": [
  "deleted_at": null, 
  "id": 3

and in python: 并在python中:

aggregates = nova.aggregates.list()    
if aggregates:
       for aggregate in aggregates:

        print("aggregate_name", aggregate.name, aggregate.hosts)

('aggregate_name', u'zone19', [u'compute101',u'compute102'])

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