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[英]When should I remove data from old host after completing the migration process?

Yesterday I manually migrated my website to another host. 昨天我手动将我的网站迁移到另一台主机。 As my domain is in another company, hosting is in another and I wanted to move the hosting to another. 由于我的域名在另一家公司,托管在另一家公司,我想将托管转移到另一家公司。 So after transferring the data and updating the name server, my website is working fine as I've started receiving requests in new servers. 因此,在传输数据并更新名称服务器后,我的网站工作正常,因为我已经开始在新服务器中接收请求。 Now I want to know when I can remove data from my old host and should I need to install WordPress on my my new host. 现在我想知道何时可以从旧主机中删除数据,我是否需要在我的新主机上安装WordPress。 As I moved it by copying all data and making folder by the same name to new host. 当我移动它时,通过复制所有数据并使用相同的名称将文件夹创建到新主机。 Please help me on this. 请帮帮我。

Hosting was done manually 托管是手动完成的

If you've done a manual migration, uploaded the backup of your db onto your new database, changed the db details in wp-config, and changed the URL in the wp-options table in your db (can be done using phpMyAdmin), there is no need to add a new WordPress installation on your new hosting. 如果您已完成手动迁移,则将db的备份上载到新数据库,更改wp-config中的db详细信息,并更改db中wp-options表中的URL(可以使用phpMyAdmin完成),无需在新主机上添加新的WordPress安装。

Note that after migrating this way, you should navigate to settings > permalinks (in your wp dashboard) and click save. 请注意,以这种方式迁移后,您应该导航到设置>永久链接(在您的wp仪表板中),然后单击“保存”。 Also, download this and replace all instances of your previous installation to the new server (in case the directory or anything in the URL has changed) 此外,下载此文件并将以前安装的所有实例替换为新服务器(如果目录或URL中的任何内容已更改)

You can compress all of WordPress's files in the root folder and upload it to the new web host. 您可以压缩根文件夹中的所有WordPress文件,并将其上载到新的Web主机。 If you are keeping your old domain, you only need to export your database and upload it to the new web host. 如果要保留旧域,则只需导出数据库并将其上载到新的Web主机。 If you are changing domains (make sure to point the new domain to the new web host), you need to change your site's domain in Wp-admin > Permalink. 如果要更改域(确保将新域指向新的Web主机),则需要在Wp-admin>永久链接中更改站点的域。

After that, you can remove data from the old host or request cancellation. 之后,您可以从旧主机中删除数据或请求取消。 Good Luck :D 祝你好运:D

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