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如何使用 dart/flutter 中的共享首选项保存和获取列表列表

[英]How to save and get a list of lists using Shared preferences in dart/flutter

I have been trying to save a list of lists using shared preferences in dart.我一直在尝试使用 dart 中的共享首选项保存列表列表。 For example, I have a list List data = [["dave","21","M"],["steven","22","F"]] and I am trying to save and load as it is but app keeps throwing Unhandled Exception: type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<String>'例如,我有一个列表List data = [["dave","21","M"],["steven","22","F"]]我正在尝试按原样保存和加载但应用程序不断抛出Unhandled Exception: type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'List<String>'

I have tried converting the 2d list into a list using List new_data = data.expand((i) => i).toList();我尝试使用List new_data = data.expand((i) => i).toList();将二维列表转换为列表List new_data = data.expand((i) => i).toList(); and then saving it.然后保存它。 But still, the exception persists even though it is a list containing only strings.但是,即使它是一个仅包含字符串的列表,异常仍然存在。

We can use jsonEncode and jsonDecode() to get the list out:我们可以使用jsonEncodejsonDecode()来获取列表:

import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';

List data = [["dave","21","M"],["steven","22","F"]];

handleData() async {
  var prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
  prefs.setString('key', jsonEncode(data)); // Encode the list here
  print(jsonDecode(prefs.getString('key'))); // Decode then print it out

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