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[英]Import function from submodule in __init__.py without exposing submodule

I' working on a Python project with a directory structure similar to this: 我正在一个Python项目中,其目录结构类似于以下内容:

├── bar
│   ├── bar1.py
│   ├── bar2.py
│   └── __init__.py
└── __init__.py

Where the module bar1 defines the function function1 . 其中模块bar1定义功能function1

I would like to have users of my code import function1 (and nothing else) directly from foo , ie via from foo import function1 . 我想让我的代码的用户直接从foo ,即通过from foo import function1导入function1 (以及其他from foo import function1 Fair enough, that can be achieved with the following foo/__init__.py : 足够公平,可以使用以下foo/__init__.py

from .bar.bar1 import function1

__all__ = ['function1']

The problem now is that someone running import foo in eg the REPL will still be presented with foo.bar alongside foo.function1 when trying to autocomplete foo. 现在的问题是,在尝试自动完成foo.在REPL中运行import foo仍会在foo.bar旁边显示foo.barfoo.function1 foo. . Is there a way to "hide" the existence of bar from users without changing its name to _bar ? 有没有办法将用户隐藏bar的存在而无需将其名称更改为_bar

I might be going about this the wrong way alltogether so I'm open to suggestions on how to restructure my code but I would like to avoid renaming modules. 我可能会一起使用这种错误的方式,所以我愿意就如何重组代码提出建议,但我想避免重命名模块。

You can hide it with deleting bar reference in foo/__init__.py : 您可以通过删除foo/__init__.py bar引用来隐藏它:

from .bar.bar1 import function1

__all__ = ['function1']

del bar

Existence of __all__ affects the from <module> import * behavior only __all__存在仅影响from <module> import *行为

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