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[英]How to add if condition inside render function of jquery datatable

I want to add an if condition inside the render function of the column of jquery datatables 我想在jquery数据表的列的render函数内添加一个if条件

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
            "processing": true,
            "serverSide": true,
            "ajax": {
                "url": "@Url.Action("GetAllWfDefinitions", "WorkflowDefinition", new { area = "DXAdmin" })",
                "type": "POST",
                "datatype": "json"

            "columns": [
                { "data": "Name", "name": "Name" }, 
                { "data": "Description", "name": "Description" },
                    "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {
                        return '<div class="action_button">' +

                    if (@Model.AssnAppRoleModulePermissionModel.Select(s => s.PermissionKey).Contains(EnumHelper.GetDescription(PermissionType.EditWf))) 
                        '<img src="@Url.Content("~/images/edit.svg")" title="Edit" onclick="javascript: EditWfDefinition(' + full.WfDefinitionId + ');" />'
                    } + 

                    '<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="inactiveWorkflowDefinition"  onclick="ChangeStatus(' + full.WfDefinitionId + ',' + full.IsObsolete + ')">' + 
                    (full.IsObsolete == false ? '<img src="/images/Inactivate.svg" class="radioImgCls" title="Activate"/>' : '<img src="/images/Active.svg" class="radioImgCls" title="Inactivate" />') + 
                    '</a>' +
                    '<img src="@Url.Content("~/images/delete.svg")" title="Delete" onclick="javascript: DeleteWfDefinition(' + full.WfDefinitionId + ');" /></div>';

expected result should be like if the condition is true the whole img tag containing edit.svg will be displayed. 如果条件为true,则预期结果应类似于包含edit.svg的整个img标签。

///error: uncaught SyntaxError: unexpected token if ///错误:未捕获的SyntaxError:如果出现意外令牌

Your problem has nothing to do with datatable rendering a function with an if statement but with your condition being in Razor, the code won't compile inside a javascript condition. 您的问题与使用if语句呈现函数的数据表无关,但是您的条件在Razor中,因此代码无法在javascript条件内编译。

You can try putting your condition in a variable and then compare in your if statement. 您可以尝试将条件放入变量中,然后在if语句中进行比较。

    var someVariable = "@Model.AssnAppRoleModulePermissionModel.Select(s => s.PermissionKey).Contains(EnumHelper.GetDescription(PermissionType.EditWf))"

    if (someVariable == "True"){
        //Do something
    } else {
        //Do something else

EDIT: 编辑:

Keep in mind that this piece of code won't work on a separate Javascript file since it's using Razor to obtain a value. 请记住,由于这段代码使用Razor获取值,因此无法在单独的Javascript文件上运行。 You must always use the script tag in a .cshtml file. 您必须始终在.cshtml文件中使用脚本标签。

//for example if you want to add conditions to name Column    
    var columnDefs : [{ targets: "name",
    render : function(data, type, row){
    if(data !== 'undefined'){
        return data;
        return 'NA';

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