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[英]Looking for a way to get a total count of items returned from a database query, for use in pagination with knex

I am currently adding pagination to my back-end models for retrieving articles from a database using knex. 我目前正在为我的后端模型添加分页,以便使用knex从数据库中检索文章。 The model has a limit and an offset, but i need to get hold of the total count of rows returned before limit and offset are applied. 该模型有一个限制和一个偏移量,但我需要保持在应用限制和偏移之前返回的总行数。

I have considered using a separate model to get a count of the articles, but it seems unnecessary. 我考虑使用一个单独的模型来计算文章,但似乎没必要。

  return connection
    .count({ comment_count: "comments.article_id" })
    .leftJoin("comments", "articles.article_id", "comments.article_id")
    .orderBy(sort_by || "created_at", order || "desc")
    .limit(limit || 10)
    .offset((p - 1) * (limit || 10))
    .modify(query => {
      if (username) query.where("articles.author", username);
      if (topic) query.where("articles.topic", topic);

Expect to add a total_count property

You do have to get a count seperately from the query you are executing. 您必须从正在执行的查询中单独计算。 Get the count first, and then run the query again with the limit and offset to get the records 首先获取计数,然后使用limit和offset再次运行查询以获取记录

.count({ comment_count: "comments.article_id" })
.leftJoin("comments", "articles.article_id", "comments.article_id")
.orderBy(sort_by || "created_at", order || "desc")

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