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[英]How to convert timestamp to date string?

如何将api返回的时间戳值(2021170519)转换为格式为HH:SS DD.MM.YY(20:21 17.05.19)的日期字符串?

If the data is unified and numbers are padded you can just access their indexes. 如果数据是统一的且已填充数字,则可以访问它们的索引。

 var data = "2021170519"; var hh = data[0] + data[1]; var mm = data[2] + data[3]; var dd = data[4] + data[5]; var MM = data[6] + data[7]; var yyyy = data[8] + data[9]; console.log(hh + ":" + mm + " " + dd + "." + MM + "." + yyyy); 


moment(timestamp).format('hh:ss dd.MM.YY');

If the format is consistent, you can dissect the string into smaller chunks with a regular expression: 如果格式一致,则可以使用正则表达式将字符串分解为较小的块:

 var str = '2021170519' str = str.match(/.{1,2}/g) const newStr = `${str[0]}:${str[1]} ${str[2]}.${str[3]}.${str[4]}` console.log(newStr) 

I would recommend using a library like moment.js, however. 但是,我建议使用像moment.js这样的库。

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