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Jqgrid - editrow- getcell

[英]Jqgrid - editrow- getcell

I have implemented form editing in jqgrid. 我在jqgrid中实现了表单编辑。 But after I receive response from server in aftersubmit event, I want to update some cell value in some other row other than the editing row. 但是我在afutsubmit事件中收到服务器的响应后,我想更新除编辑行之外的其他一些行中的某些单元格值。 From jqgrid documentation I understand that we should not use getcell and getrowdata. 从jqgrid文档我明白我们不应该使用getcell和getrowdata。 Without these methods how can I get cell value from other rows within afterSubmit 如果没有这些方法,我如何从afterSubmit中的其他行获取单元格值

If you edit a record with id=1 by example, then you can use theses methods getcell and getrowdata on record with id = 2. 如果您通过示例编辑id = 1的记录,那么您可以在id = 2的记录中使用这些方法getcell和getrowdata

The limitation apply only on the current editing record. 该限制仅适用于当前编辑记录。

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