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[英]export html to pdf with multiple pages

I need to export few parts of the page to few different pages in pdf. 我需要将页面的几个部分导出到pdf中的几个不同页面。 When I use method save() outside html2canvas() func it returns empty pages, If I add it one of canvas functions it will return the content of this canvas. 当我在html2canvas()函数之外使用方法save()时,它返回空页面。如果我将其添加到canvas函数之一,它将返回该画布的内容。

const pdf = new jspdf('p', 'mm', 'a4'); // A4 size page of PDF
let data = document.querySelector('.first-page');
html2canvas(data).then(canvas => {
  const imgWidth = 208;
  const imgHeight = canvas.height * imgWidth / canvas.width;

  const contentDataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
  const position = 0;
  pdf.addImage(contentDataURL, 'PNG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight);


data = document.querySelector('.second-page');
html2canvas(data).then(canvas => {
  const imgWidth = 208;
  const imgHeight = canvas.height * imgWidth / canvas.width;

  const contentDataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
  const position = 0;
  pdf.addImage(contentDataURL, 'PNG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight);

pdf.save('dashboard.pdf'); // Generated PDF

html HTML

<div class="adscale-table">
  <div class="first-page">
    <dashboard-platforms id="platforms-section"></dashboard-platforms>
  <div class="d-flex flex-column second-page">
    <div class="d-flex mb-4">
      <dashboard-performance-by-device id="performance-by-device-section" class="col-xl-6"></dashboard-performance-by-device>
      <dashboard-performance-by-location id="performance-by-location-section" class="col-xl-6"></dashboard-performance-by-location>
    <div class="d-flex">
      <dashboard-bar-widget *ngIf="gendersData; else loader" class="col-xl-6" id="performance-gender-section"
                            title="Performance by Gender" [height]="300" [currency]="customerCurrency"
                            [metricSettings]="metricsSettings" [allData]="gendersData">
      <dashboard-bar-widget *ngIf="agesData; else loader" class="col-xl-6" id="performance-age-section"
                            title="Performance by Age" [height]="300" [currency]="customerCurrency"
                            [metricSettings]="metricsSettings" [allData]="agesData">

if I put save() inside "html2canvas(data).then(canvas => {...})" function, I will get two pdf files with images of specified part of the page. 如果我将save()放在“ html2canvas(data).then(canvas => {...})”函数中,则会得到两个pdf文件,其中包含页面指定部分的图像。 How can I get these two parts in one pdf ? 如何将这两个部分合并为一个pdf?

I think this could be the solution and also a cleaner code: 我认为这可能是解决方案,而且代码更简洁:

async function printDocument() {
  const pdf = new jspdf('p', 'mm', 'a4'); // A4 size page of PDF
  const imgWidth = 208;
  const position = 0;

  let page1 = document.querySelector('.first-page');
  let page1 = document.querySelector('.second-page');
  const [imgPage1, imgPage2] = await Promise.all([html2canvas(page1), html2canvas(page2)]);
  // Process first image
  let imgHeight = imgPage1.height * imgWidth / imgPage1.width;
  let contentDataURL = imgPage1.toDataURL('image/png');
  pdf.addImage(contentDataURL, 'PNG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight);
  // Process second image
  imgHeight = imgPage2.height * imgWidth / imgPage2.width;
  contentDataURL = imgPage2.toDataURL('image/png');
  pdf.addImage(contentDataURL, 'PNG', 0, position, imgWidth, imgHeight);

  pdf.save('dashboard.pdf'); // Generated PDF

EDIT: I also noticed that you're using mm units for the PDF document if that works for you it's ok but I had a recent experience adding images to a PDF document and 'px' units served for my purpose slightly better. 编辑:我还注意到,如果对您有用,您正在使用PDF单位的mm单位,但是我最近有将图像添加到PDF文档中的经验,而“ px”单位为我的目的服务会更好。 Anyway if that works it's ok. 无论如何,如果可以的话。

EDIT 2: There is another answer explaining better what's the problem and why when you put pdf.save('dashboard.pdf') method inside html2canvas it works. 编辑2:还有另一个答案,可以更好地解释问题所在,为什么将pdf.save('dashboard.pdf')方法放入html2canvas也有效。 Here is the link Getting image on page 1 of 2 page pdf 这是链接, 在第2页的第1页上获取图像pdf

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