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Visual Studio 2019 社区版安装程序无法启动

[英]Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition Installer can't start

I tried to upgrade my Visual Studio 2019 Community edition, but the Visual Studio Installer can't start.我尝试升级我的 Visual Studio 2019 社区版,但 Visual Studio 安装程序无法启动。

I tried a lot of things including uninstalling the existing version, using offline version, etc, but now I end up with no working version of Visual Studio.我尝试了很多方法,包括卸载现有版本、使用离线版本等,但现在我最终没有可用的 Visual Studio 版本。

This is the log from bootstrapper:这是来自引导程序的日志:

Beginning of the log. Start Time: 2019-05-25 10:04:39
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:40: Commandline arguments = --env,_SFX_CAB_EXE_PACKAGE:E:\Download\vs_community.exe _SFX_CAB_EXE_ORIGINALWORKINGDIR:E:\Download
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:40: Parent process name = vs_community
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:40: Parent process product version = 16.1.28922.388
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:40: CampaignId = 
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:40: ResponseId not available in 'vs_setup_bootstrapper.config'. Trying to parse filename.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:40: loading config settings: -update --update --layout -offline --offline --locale --layout --originalworkingdir --installLayoutPath --env
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:45: DownloadURL = https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/installer
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:45: InstallLocation = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:45: OfflineFilePath = 
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:45: LayoutLocation = 
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:45: ExecutableArguments = /finalizeInstall install --in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\_bootstrapper\vs_setup_bootstrapper_201905251004409923.json" --locale en-US --activityId "65140cc5-fa4c-470e-9740-8005502ed51e"
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:45: OSVersion = Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:45: Starting to detect the existing VS and .NET...
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:04:45: Finished detecting the existing VS and .Net
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:05:04: Beginning file download. File = https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/installer.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:05:04: Download requested: https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/installer
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:05:05: Attempting download 'https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/installer' using engine 'WebClient'
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:05:05: Uri 'https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/installer' redirected to 'https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/8e169392-7f87-4d2e-a6e9-0c510272d9df/d4e01b060095407608d193d7143f6e4a/vs_installer.opc'
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:18: Package signature verification returned Success for path: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\_bootstrapper\vs_installer\d.uhy\vs_installer.opc
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:18: Download of 'https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/installer' succeeded using engine 'WebClient'
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:18: Current OptIn value is 1
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:18: Extracting file 'vs_installer.version.json' from package stream.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:18: File found 'vs_installer.version.json' in package stream.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:18: Comparing client candidate version '2.1.3125.514' to autoSelfUpdateMinVersion '2.1.3125.514'
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:22: Beginning extracting files to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:22: Extracting 'C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\_bootstrapper\vs_installer\d.uhy\vs_installer.opc' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer'.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:26: Successfully extracted 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer'.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:26: Start named pipe: 91ba8373-9502-45d1-8629-a80eadc83d01
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:26: Starting VS setup process 'vs_installer.exe' with arguments '/finalizeInstall install --in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\_bootstrapper\vs_setup_bootstrapper_201905251004409923.json" --locale en-US --activityId "65140cc5-fa4c-470e-9740-8005502ed51e" --pipe "91ba8373-9502-45d1-8629-a80eadc83d01"'.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:26: VS setup process C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe started. All done.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:11:26: VS setup process starting. Exiting with code 0
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:12:06: Pipe disconnected.
VisualStudio Bootstrapper:2019-05-25 10:12:06: Bootstrapper Successfully completed.

I hope someone can help me find the solution.我希望有人能帮我找到解决方案。

There can be some troubles with the certificates on vs_installer.exe and vs_installershell.exe. vs_installer.exe 和 vs_installershell.exe 上的证书可能存在一些问题。 Installing this KB3004394 may help.安装此KB3004394可能会有所帮助。

I've just had the same issue.我刚刚遇到了同样的问题。 I read about renaming the folder '/installer' but it didn't work for me.我读过重命名文件夹“/installer”,但它对我不起作用。 I ended removing the file 'vs_installer.exe' and I used one of the down-loaders.我结束了删除文件“vs_installer.exe”并使用了其中一个下载程序。

enter image description here在此处输入图片说明

I hope it helps.我希望它有帮助。

I've had the exact same problem this evening while trying to install Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition on my laptop (Windows 10 Pro Build 19042).今晚我在尝试在我的笔记本电脑(Windows 10 Pro Build 19042)上安装 Visual Studio 2019 社区版时遇到了完全相同的问题。 After nearly one hour of desperately trying out various scenarios (including messing with Component Services and adding my user to Local Access rights for COM+ Apps), I got it to work by simply moving the installer file from my "Downloads" folder to another place on the disk.经过近一个小时的拼命尝试各种场景(包括弄乱组件服务并将我的用户添加到 COM+ 应用程序的本地访问权限),我只需将安装程序文件从我的“下载”文件夹移动到另一个位置磁盘。 Then, it worked.然后,它起作用了。

That pointed out the installer is unable to start if run from a path/folder that has UTF-8 characters in its name (I was using "C:\\Users\\Dragoș\\Downloads" initially).这指出如果从名称中包含 UTF-8 字符的路径/文件夹运行,安装程序将无法启动(我最初使用的是“C:\\Users\\Dragoș\\Downloads”)。 Since this proved to reproduce each time I placed the installer in any folder containing UTF-8 chars, I filed a bug report at Microsoft: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/Visual-Studio-2019-installer-does-not-st/1411874由于每次我将安装程序放在包含 UTF-8 字符的任何文件夹中时都会被证明会重现,因此我向 Microsoft 提交了一份错误报告: https : //developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/Visual-Studio-2019-installer-does-不是-st/1411874

I do not know if this scenario matches your context, but anyhow, I hope it helps somebody along the way.我不知道这种情况是否与您的上下文相符,但无论如何,我希望它可以帮助某些人。

I first tried renaming the vs_installer.exe to vs_installer.old, and that did not work for me.我首先尝试将 vs_installer.exe 重命名为 vs_installer.old,但这对我不起作用。 When I unchecked the "Keep download cache after the installation" on the Installation tab, then the Close button changed to Modify.当我取消选中安装选项卡上的“安装后保留下载缓存”时,关闭按钮更改为修改。

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