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[英]Django - Count related with filter

I have a model called Article and I have a model called Comment which has a foreignkey to Article . 我有一个名为Article的模型,并且有一个名为Comment的模型,该模型具有Article I want to count from a Article queryset all comments in that queryset. 我想从Article集中计算该queryset中的所有注释。

Example: I have a queryset with 5 articles and every article has 3 comments except for one. 示例:我有一个包含5篇文章的查询集,每篇文章都有3条评论,除了一条。 -> This should return 12. ->这应该返回12。

Another example: One article has 3 comments and another one has 5 and other articles have no comments. 另一个示例:一篇文章有​​3条评论,另一篇文章有​​5条评论,其他文章没有评论。 -> This should return 8. ->这应该返回8。

I tried it with: 我尝试了:

Article.objects.all().annotate(comments_count=Count("comment", filter=Q(is_deleted=False))).comments_count

You should .aggregate(..) [Django-doc] here, not annotate(..) [Django-doc] . 您应该在.aggregate(..) [Django-doc] ,而不是annotate(..) [Django-doc] Annotating adds a value to each item in the original queryset. 注释会为原始查询集中的每个项目添加一个值。 We can thus generate a query like: 因此,我们可以生成如下查询:

    comments_count=Count('comment', filter=Q(comment__is_deleted=False))

Although it might be simpler to use the Comment model itself here, like: 尽管在这里使用Comment模型本身可能更简单,例如:


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