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在模板类中使用std :: allocator时出错

[英]Error when using the std::allocator in the template class

Trying to figure out how to use std :: allocator. 试图弄清楚如何使用std :: allocator。

#include <iostream>

template <typename T, typename A>
struct vector_base
  A       allocator;
  T*      data;
  size_t  size;
  size_t  space;

  vector_base(const A &alloc, size_t n)
    :allocator(alloc), data(alloc.allocate(n)), size(n), space(n)

  ~vector_base() {allocator.deallocate(data, space);}

int main() {
  std::allocator<int> my_allocator;
  vector_base<int, std::allocator<int>> vector(my_allocator, 10);

  return 0;

Error: 错误:

error: passing 'const std::allocator' as 'this' argument discards qualifiers [-fpermissive] :allocator(alloc), data(alloc.allocate(n)), size(n), space(n) 错误:将“ const std :: allocator”作为“ this”参数传递会丢弃限定符[-fpermissive]:allocator(alloc),data(alloc.allocate(n)),size(n),space(n)

alloc is a const& , you're trying to call allocate on it which is a non-const method, that's not allowed. alloc是一个const& ,您试图在其上调用allocate ,这是一个非const方法,这是不允许的。

Call allocate on your initialized member instead: 而是在初始化的成员上调用allocate

  vector_base(const A &alloc, size_t n)
    :allocator(alloc), data(allocator.allocate(n)), size(n), space(n)

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