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[英]How to search a user by object SID in ldap

We have this design when a SID from a scanned and synced with Azure AD local LDAP v3. 当扫描来自Azure AD本地LDAP v3的SID并与之同步时,我们采用这种设计。 comes back in as a part of a JWT token. 作为JWT令牌的一部分返回。 I need to find the user in the local LDAP for authorization purposes. 我需要出于授权目的在本地LDAP中找到用户。 The SID comes in a well known serialized form supported by the Microsoft tools used for initial synchronization. SID以众所周知的序列化形式出现,该序列由用于初始同步的Microsoft工具支持。 Here's the LDAP environment: 这是LDAP环境:

"java.naming.provider.url" -> "ldap://AD2012.local:389"
 "java.naming.factory.initial" -> "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
 "com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout" -> "0"
 "java.naming.security.principal" -> "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=AD2012,DC=local"
 "java.naming.security.authentication" -> "simple"
 "java.naming.security.credentials" -> "Password1"
 "java.naming.referral" -> "follow"

Please note the last one as I think it is important. 请注意最后一个,因为我认为这很重要。

In my test I first run a search to get the user using the following string: 在测试中,我首先运行搜索以使用以下字符串获取用户:


It works fine and lets me obtain the SID for this user that, after the String conversion, looks like 它工作正常,并且让我获得了此用户的SID,在进行String转换后,它看起来像


But when I construct the second search string: 但是当我构造第二个搜索字符串时:


the search result is empty. 搜索结果为空。 However, there's a clue: examining the result object with the debugger reveals that it has the following properties: 但是,有一个线索:使用调试器检查结果对象将发现它具有以下属性:

refEx.handleReferrals = 1
refEx.nextReferralEx = LdapReferralException: Continuation Reference ...
refEx.nextReferals.referrals[0] = ldap://DomainDnsZones.AD2012.local/DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=AD2012,DC=local

Here's the question: why does the server not follow the referrals in the second - by the SID - search? 问题是:为什么服务器在第二个查询中不遵循引用(通过SID)搜索? I know it does in the first as the search fails if I remove the "follow" environment property. 我知道它首先会这样做,因为如果删除“关注”环境属性,搜索将失败。 Any input is greatly appreciated. 任何输入,不胜感激。

ObjectSID is painful to work with from LDAP. 从LDAP使用ObjectSID十分麻烦

ObjectSID is a binary value that needs to be converted to be used for LDAP Search Filters : ObjectSID是一个二进制值,需要转换以用于LDAP搜索过滤器

For example, suppose your SID in string form was S-1-5-21-2562418665-3218585558-1813906818-1576. 例如,假设您的字符串形式的SID是S-1-5-21-2562418665-3218585558-1813906818-1576。 In binary form, this is: 以二进制形式,这是:


so the LDAP search filter would be: 因此LDAP搜索过滤器为:


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