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[英]Multiple ifs within list comprehension

I've used a list comprehension which is supposed to store keys and values in itemDict variable considering the fact that some items if present in item['keys'] will not be included in itemDict . 考虑到某些项目(如果存在于item['keys']则不会包含在itemDict我使用了列表itemDict ,该方法应该将keysvalues存储在itemDict变量中。 I've used multiple if conditions to make that possible. 我已经使用了多个if条件来实现这一点。

This is what I've tried with: 这是我尝试过的:

itemDict = {item['keys']:item['value'] for item in soup.select('input[keys]') if '$cmdPrint' not in item['name'] and 'btnView' not in item['name'] and 'btnMyDoc' not in item['key']}

How can I rewrite those conditions to make it concise? 我如何重写这些条件以使其简洁?

You could use a check function and use all builtin. 您可以使用check功能并使用all内置功能。 Also reformat the comprehension for readability. 还重新设置对可读性的理解。

def check(item):
    return all(('$cmdPrint' not in item['name'],
           'btnView' not in item['name'],
           'btnMyDoc' not in item['key']))

itemDict = {item['keys']:item['value']
            for item in soup.select('input[keys]')
            if check(item)}

Or use it in the comprehension, but that's one long comprehension. 或在理解中使用它,但这是一个漫长的理解。

itemDict = {item['keys']:item['value']
            for item in soup.select('input[keys]')
            if all(('$cmdPrint' not in item['name'],
                    'btnView' not in item['name'],
                    'btnMyDoc' not in item['key']))}

Or just use a regular for loop: 或者只是使用常规的for循环:

itemDict = {}
for item in soup.select('input[keys]')
    if check(item):
        itemDict[item['keys']] = item['value']

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