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[英]R parallel abort all mclapply operations

如果它在任何一个进程中遇到错误(例如stop() ),是否有可能要求parallel::mclapply()放弃所有进一步的处理?

Here is another approach: The idea is to modify parallel::mclapply() at the three places indicated with #!! 这是另一种方法:这个想法是在用#!!指示的三个地方修改parallel::mclapply() #!! . The new argument stop.on.error can be used to specify whether the execution should stop when an error occurs. 新的参数stop.on.error可用于指定发生错误时是否应停止执行。

Mclapply <- function (X, FUN, ..., mc.preschedule = TRUE,
                      mc.set.seed = TRUE, mc.silent = FALSE,
                      mc.cores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L), 
                      mc.cleanup = TRUE, mc.allow.recursive = TRUE,
                      affinity.list = NULL, stop.on.error=FALSE) 
    stop.on.error <- stop.on.error[1]        #!!
    stopifnot(is.logical(stop.on.error))     #!!
    cores <- as.integer(mc.cores)
    if ((is.na(cores) || cores < 1L) && is.null(affinity.list)) 
        stop("'mc.cores' must be >= 1")
    if (parallel:::isChild() && !isTRUE(mc.allow.recursive)) 
        return(lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...))
    if (!is.vector(X) || is.object(X)) 
        X <- as.list(X)
    if (!is.null(affinity.list) && length(affinity.list) < length(X)) 
        stop("affinity.list and X must have the same length")
    if (mc.set.seed) 
    if (length(X) < 2) {
        old.aff <- mcaffinity()
        res <- lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)
    if (length(X) < cores) 
        cores <- length(X)
    if (cores < 2L && is.null(affinity.list)) 
        return(lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...))
    jobs <- list()
    if (!mc.preschedule) {
        FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
        if (length(X) <= cores && is.null(affinity.list)) {
            jobs <- lapply(seq_along(X), function(i) mcparallel(FUN(X[[i]], 
                ...), name = names(X)[i], mc.set.seed = mc.set.seed, 
                silent = mc.silent))
            res <- mccollect(jobs)
            if (length(res) == length(X)) 
                names(res) <- names(X)
            has.errors <- sum(sapply(res, inherits, "try-error"))
        else {
            sx <- seq_along(X)
            res <- vector("list", length(sx))
            names(res) <- names(X)
            fin <- rep(FALSE, length(X))
            if (!is.null(affinity.list)) {
                cores <- max(unlist(x = affinity.list, recursive = TRUE))
                d0 <- logical(cores)
                cpu.map <- lapply(sx, function(i) {
                  data <- d0
                  data[as.vector(affinity.list[[i]])] <- TRUE
                ava <- do.call(rbind, cpu.map)
            else {
                ava <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = length(X), ncol = cores)
            jobid <- integer(cores)
            for (i in 1:cores) {
                jobid[i] <- match(TRUE, ava[, i])
                ava[jobid[i], ] <- FALSE
            if (anyNA(jobid)) {
                unused <- which(is.na(jobid))
                jobid <- jobid[-unused]
                ava <- ava[, -unused, drop = FALSE]
            jobs <- lapply(jobid, function(i) mcparallel(FUN(X[[i]], 
                ...), mc.set.seed = mc.set.seed, silent = mc.silent, 
                mc.affinity = affinity.list[[i]]))
            jobsp <- parallel:::processID(jobs)
            has.errors <- 0L
            delivered.result <- 0L
            while (!all(fin)) {
                s <- parallel:::selectChildren(jobs[!is.na(jobsp)], -1)
                if (is.null(s)) 
                if (is.integer(s)) 
                  for (ch in s) {
                    ji <- match(TRUE, jobsp == ch)
                    ci <- jobid[ji]
                    r <- parallel:::readChild(ch)
                    if (is.raw(r)) {
                      child.res <- unserialize(r)
                      if (inherits(child.res, "try-error")){
                          if(stop.on.error)                     #!!
                              stop("error in process X = ", ci, "\n", attr(child.res, "condition")$message) #!!
                          has.errors <- has.errors + 1L
                      if (!is.null(child.res)) 
                        res[[ci]] <- child.res
                      delivered.result <- delivered.result + 
                    else {
                      fin[ci] <- TRUE
                      jobsp[ji] <- jobid[ji] <- NA
                      if (any(ava)) {
                        nexti <- which.max(ava[, ji])
                        if (!is.na(nexti)) {
                          jobid[ji] <- nexti
                          jobs[[ji]] <- mcparallel(FUN(X[[nexti]], 
                            ...), mc.set.seed = mc.set.seed, 
                            silent = mc.silent, mc.affinity = affinity.list[[nexti]])
                          jobsp[ji] <- parallel:::processID(jobs[[ji]])
                          ava[nexti, ] <- FALSE
            nores <- length(X) - delivered.result
            if (nores > 0) 
                warning(sprintf(ngettext(nores, "%d parallel function call did not deliver a result", 
                  "%d parallel function calls did not deliver results"), 
                  nores), domain = NA)
        if (has.errors) 
            warning(gettextf("%d function calls resulted in an error", 
                has.errors), domain = NA)
    if (!is.null(affinity.list)) 
        warning("'mc.preschedule' must be false if 'affinity.list' is used")
    sindex <- lapply(seq_len(cores), function(i) seq(i, length(X), 
        by = cores))
    schedule <- lapply(seq_len(cores), function(i) X[seq(i, length(X), 
        by = cores)])
    ch <- list()
    res <- vector("list", length(X))
    names(res) <- names(X)
    cp <- rep(0L, cores)
    fin <- rep(FALSE, cores)
    dr <- rep(FALSE, cores)
    inner.do <- function(core) {
        S <- schedule[[core]]
        f <- parallel:::mcfork()
        if (isTRUE(mc.set.seed)) 
        if (inherits(f, "masterProcess")) {
            on.exit(mcexit(1L, structure("fatal error in wrapper code", 
                class = "try-error")))
            if (isTRUE(mc.set.seed)) 
            if (isTRUE(mc.silent)) 
            parallel:::sendMaster(try(lapply(X = S, FUN = FUN, ...), silent = TRUE))
        jobs[[core]] <<- ch[[core]] <<- f
        cp[core] <<- parallel:::processID(f)
    job.res <- lapply(seq_len(cores), inner.do)
    ac <- cp[cp > 0]
    has.errors <- integer(0)
    while (!all(fin)) {
        s <- parallel:::selectChildren(ac[!fin], -1)
        if (is.null(s)) 
        if (is.integer(s)) 
            for (ch in s) {
                a <- parallel:::readChild(ch)
                if (is.integer(a)) {
                  core <- which(cp == a)
                  fin[core] <- TRUE
                else if (is.raw(a)) {
                  core <- which(cp == attr(a, "pid"))
                  job.res[[core]] <- ijr <- unserialize(a)
                  if (inherits(ijr, "try-error")){ 
                    has.errors <- c(has.errors, core)
                    if(stop.on.error)  #!!
                        stop("error in one of X = ", paste(schedule[[core]], collapse=", "), "\n", attr(ijr, "condition")$message) #!!
                  dr[core] <- TRUE
                else if (is.null(a)) {
                  core <- which(cp == ch)
                  fin[core] <- TRUE
    for (i in seq_len(cores)) {
        this <- job.res[[i]]
        if (inherits(this, "try-error")) {
            for (j in sindex[[i]]) res[[j]] <- this
        else if (!is.null(this)) 
            res[sindex[[i]]] <- this
    nores <- cores - sum(dr)
    if (nores > 0) 
        warning(sprintf(ngettext(nores, "scheduled core %s did not deliver a result, all values of the job will be affected", 
            "scheduled cores %s did not deliver results, all values of the jobs will be affected"), 
            paste(which(dr == FALSE), collapse = ", ")), domain = NA)
    if (length(has.errors)) {
        if (length(has.errors) == cores) 
            warning("all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code")
        else warning(sprintf(ngettext(has.errors, "scheduled core %s encountered error in user code, all values of the job will be affected", 
            "scheduled cores %s encountered errors in user code, all values of the jobs will be affected"), 
            paste(has.errors, collapse = ", ")), domain = NA)

Tests: 测试:

f <- function(x, errorAt=1, sleep=2){
    if(x==errorAt) stop("-->> test error <<--")

Mclapply(X=1:4, FUN=f, stop.on.error=TRUE)
## Error in Mclapply(X = 1:4, FUN = f, stop.on.error = TRUE) : 
##   error in one of X = 1, 3
## -->> test error <<--

Mclapply(X=1:4, FUN=f, errorAt=3, stop.on.error=TRUE)
## Error in Mclapply(X = 1:4, FUN = f, errorAt = 3, stop.on.error = TRUE) : 
##   error in one of X = 1, 3
## -->> test error <<--

Mclapply(X=1:4, FUN=f, errorAt=Inf, stop.on.error=TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [1] 2
## [[3]]
## [1] 3
## [[4]]
## [1] 4

Mclapply(X=1:4, FUN=f, mc.preschedule=FALSE, stop.on.error=TRUE)
## Error in Mclapply(X = 1:4, FUN = f, mc.preschedule = FALSE, stop.on.error = TRUE) : 
##   error in process X = 1
## -->> test error <<--

Mclapply(X=1:4, FUN=f, errorAt=3, mc.preschedule=FALSE, stop.on.error=TRUE)
## Error in Mclapply(X = 1:4, FUN = f, errorAt = 3, mc.preschedule = FALSE,  : 
##   error in process X = 3
## -->> test error <<--

Mclapply(X=1:4, FUN=f, errorAt=Inf, mc.preschedule=FALSE, stop.on.error=TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [1] 2
## [[3]]
## [1] 3
## [[4]]
## [1] 4

This approach uses many internal functions of the package parallel (eg, parallel:::isChild() ). 这种方法使用了并行包的许多内部函数(例如, parallel:::isChild() )。 It worked with R version 3.6.0. 它与R版本3.6.0一起使用。

Terminating the evaluations in all processes of a cluster upon an error in one process is not possible with a standard mclapply() call. 使用标准的mclapply()调用无法在一个进程中的错误时终止集群所有进程中的评估。 The reason for this is that the processes do not communicate among each other until they are done. 这样做的原因是,在完成之前,进程之间不会相互通信。

Using the R package future one can achieve such a behavior. 将来使用R包可以实现这种行为。 The idea is to 这个想法是为了

  1. create futures and evaluate them in parallel 创建期货并对其进行并行评估
  2. check every 2 seconds if one feature is resolved into an error 每2秒检查一次功能是否已解决错误
  3. if an error is detected, kill all process of the cluster 如果检测到错误,请终止集群的所有进程

A sketch how this could work: 草图如何工作:


parallelLapply <- function(x, fun, checkInterval=2, nProcess=2){ 

    ## setup cluster and get process IDs of process in cluster
    cl <- makeCluster(spec=nProcess)
    pids <- unlist(parLapply(cl=cl, X=1:nProcess, function(x) Sys.getpid()))
    plan(cluster, workers=cl)

    ## create futures and start their evaluation 
    fList <- lapply(1:2, function(x) futureCall(function(x) try(fun(x), silent=TRUE), list(x=x)))

    ## check every 2 second whether an error occurred or whether all are resolved

        ## check for errors
        errorStatus <- unlist(lapply(fList, function(x)
            resolved(x) && class(value(x))=="try-error"))
            lapply(pids, pskill)
            results <- NULL
            cat("an error occurred in one future: all process of the cluster were killed.\n")

        ## check if all resolved without error
        allResolved <- all(unlist(lapply(fList, resolved)))
            results <- lapply(fList, value)
            cat("all futures are resolved sucessfully.\n")

## test 1: early termination because x=1 results in an error. 
f1 <- function(x){
    if(x==1) stop()
parallelLapply(x=1:5, fun=f1)
# an error occurred in one future: all process of the cluster were killed.

## test 2: no error 
f2 <- function(x){
parallelLapply(x=1:5, fun=f2)
## all futures are resolved sucessfully.
## [[1]]
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [1] 2

Note: 注意:

  • Additional adjustment are needed if the function passed to fun depends on additional arguments. 如果传递给fun的函数依赖于其他参数,则需要进行其他调整。
  • On Linux one can use makeForkCluster() instead of makeCluster() for convenience. 在Linux上,为了方便起见,可以使用makeForkCluster()代替makeCluster() Then the usage is closer to mclapply() . 然后,用法更接近mclapply()

Here is a cleaner version of the suggestion from ivo Welch. 这是ivo Welch提出的建议的简洁版本。 Note that this does not stop running processes when an error occurs, but rather prevents the start of new evaluations of FUN . 请注意,这不会在发生错误时停止正在运行的进程 ,而是阻止开始新的 FUN 评估

mcLapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., mc.preschedule=TRUE,
                     mc.set.seed=TRUE, mc.silent=FALSE,
                     mc.cores=getOption("mc.cores", 2L), 
                     mc.cleanup=TRUE, mc.allow.recursive=TRUE,
    tmpFileName <- tempfile()
    fn <- function(X){
        o <- try(do.call("FUN", c(X, list(...))), silent=TRUE)
    ret <- mclapply(X=X, FUN=fn, mc.preschedule=mc.preschedule,
                    mc.set.seed=mc.set.seed, mc.silent=mc.silent,
                    mc.cores=mc.cores, mc.cleanup=mc.cleanup,

## test 1: early termination because x=1 results in an error. 
f1 <- function(x){
    if(x==1) stop()
mcLapply(X=1:3, FUN=f1)
## [[1]]
## [1] "Error in FUN(1L) : \n"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "try-error"
## attr(,"condition")
## <simpleError in FUN(1L): >
## [[2]]
## [1] NA
## [[3]]
## [1] NA

## test 2: no error 
f2 <- function(x, a){
mcLapply(X=1:2, FUN=f2, a=10)
## [[1]]
## [1] 11
## [[2]]
## [1] 12

The following is ugly, but workable. 以下是难看的,但可行的。 It uses the filesystem as a global shared variable. 它使用文件系统作为全局共享变量。

options( mc.cores=2 )

if (!exists("touchFile"))
    touchFile <- function(filename) { system(paste0("touch ", filename)); }

tfnm <- paste0("mytemporary",as.numeric(Sys.time()))

mfun <- function( i ) {
    if (file.exists( tfnm )) stop("done due to process ", i)
    message("Mfun(", i,")")
    if ( i == 3 ) { message("creating ", tfnm); touchFile(tfnm); stop("goodbye"); }
    Sys.sleep( i%%3 )

v <- mclapply( 1:10, mfun )
if (file.exists(tfnm)) file.remove(tfnm)

This would be nicer to implement by mclapply itself. 用mclapply本身实现会更好。

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