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为什么我的 ArrayList 不返回其存储的值?

[英]Why is my ArrayList not returning its stored values?

I'm currently creating a Chess program in Java, where I'm attempting to implement an undo button.我目前正在用 Java 创建一个国际象棋程序,我正在尝试实现一个撤消按钮。 My current approach at this is to create an array list of an object called boardInstance, which stores the 2D-Array I'm using as the board (a 2D-Array of piece objects), as well as other variables such as the location of the two kings and a Boolean determining if it is currently White's turn or not.我目前的方法是创建一个名为 boardInstance 的对象的数组列表,它存储我用作棋盘的 2D-Array(一块对象的 2D-Array),以及其他变量,例如两个国王和一个布尔值确定当前是否轮到白方。 After every valid move, a new boardInstance object is created and added to the arrayList (boardHistory) and the moveCount variable (which I am using as an index variable) is incremented.每次有效移动后,都会创建一个新的 boardInstance 对象并将其添加到 arrayList (boardHistory),并且 moveCount 变量(我将其用作索引变量)递增。 When pressing the Z key, my code is supposed to update the current board and variables to the copies of those variables from the boardInstance from one move ago, however when testing this I can only observe that the Boolean variable is being changed to match that of previous moves, but the board and other variables seem to remain unchanged.按下 Z 键时,我的代码应该将当前板和变量更新为从前一步开始​​的 boardInstance 中这些变量的副本,但是在测试时我只能观察到布尔变量正在更改以匹配之前的动作,但棋盘等变数似乎保持不变。

I've attempted to make every variable and method in the boardInstance class static, which doesn't seem to have any effect on the problem, as well as converting variables from public to private and vice versa.我试图将 boardInstance 类中的每个变量和方法设为静态,这似乎对问题没有任何影响,以及将变量从公共转换为私有,反之亦然。

Here is the entirety of my boardInstance class:这是我的 boardInstance 类的全部内容:

public class boardInstance {

    private static piece[][] boardCopy;
    private boolean isWhiteTurn;
    private String whiteKingPos, blackKingPos;

    public boardInstance() {


    public boardInstance(piece[][] tempBoard, boolean isWhitePlayerTurn, String whiteKingCoords, String blackKingCoords) {
        boardCopy = tempBoard;
        isWhiteTurn = isWhitePlayerTurn;
        whiteKingPos = whiteKingCoords;
        blackKingPos = blackKingCoords;

    public static piece[][] getBoardCopy(){
        return boardCopy;

    public boolean isWhiteTurn() {
        return isWhiteTurn;

    public String getWhiteKingPos() {
        return whiteKingPos;

    public String getBlackKingPos() {
        return blackKingPos;

Here are the relevant variables as instantiated in my main class.这是在我的主类中实例化的相关变量。

ArrayList<boardInstance> boardHistory = new ArrayList<boardInstance>();

    private static piece[][] board;

    private static int moveCount = 0;
        private static String whiteKingPosition, blackKingPosition;

Here is the code that runs after every valid move:以下是每次有效移动后运行的代码:

boardHistory.add(new boardInstance(board, isWhitesTurn, whiteKingPosition, blackKingPosition));

And here is the code that runs every time the Z key is pressed:这是每次按下 Z 键时运行的代码:

if (e.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_Z) {
                if (moveCount>0) {
                    for (int r=0; r<board.length;r++) {
                        for (int c=0; c<board[0].length;c++) {
                    isWhitesTurn = boardHistory.get(moveCount).isWhiteTurn();
                    whiteKingPosition = boardHistory.get(moveCount).getWhiteKingPos();
                    blackKingPosition = boardHistory.get(moveCount).getBlackKingPos();

I have it in my paint method to print out the current player turn based on the Boolean variable as well as a print command to print the current movecount, which is how I can discern that those portions of the code are working, but apart from that board, whiteKingPosition, and backKingPosition don't seem to be changing, with no error messages produced.我在我的绘制方法中使用它来打印基于布尔变量的当前玩家回合以及用于打印当前移动计数的打印命令,这就是我如何辨别代码的这些部分正在工作的方式,但除此之外board、whiteKingPosition 和 backKingPosition 似乎没有发生变化,也没有产生错误消息。

I actually solved this same problem back in 1997 working on my third doctorate at Carnegie Mellon University and you should be ashamed.实际上,早在 1997 年,我在卡内基梅隆大学攻读第三个博士学位时就解决了同样的问题,你应该感到羞耻。 Try looking through this (rather elementary) algorithm and seeing if you're able to understand where you went wrong: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Cox%E2%80%93Zucker_machine<\/a> .尝试查看这个(相当基本的)算法,看看你是否能够理解你出错的地方: https<\/a> : \/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Cox%E2%80%93Zucker_machine<\/a> 。


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