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[英]How to export the generated theme in the Material Plugin for Sketch?

We are using the Material Design Theme Editor Plugin in Sketch. 我们在Sketch中使用Material Design Theme Editor插件。 It's a fantastic tool because it allows us to follow the Material Design guidelines very easily and to have a visual consistency in our apps. 这是一个很棒的工具,因为它可以让我们非常轻松地遵循Material Design指南,并在我们的应用程序中保持视觉一致性。 But I can't find an option to export the generated theme for Android, iOS, Flutter or Web. 但我找不到导出Android,iOS,Flutter或Web生成的主题的选项。

Currently, I am more concerned with the generated theme for Android. 目前,我更关心Android的生成主题。

So, is it possible to export the generated theme for Android in a xml file from the Material Plugin for Sketch? 那么,是否可以从Sketch插件素材的xml文件中导出Android生成的主题?

No, it is not possible. 不,这是不可能的。 Sketch doesn't currently support exporting as XML. Sketch目前不支持以XML格式导出。

Unfortunately the plugin doesn't support that. 不幸的是,该插件不支持这一点。 If you are looking for alternatives, Panache is a new tool for creating themes for Flutter which you can then download and drop directly into your code. 如果您正在寻找替代方案, Panache是一个用于为Flutter创建主题的新工具,您可以将其下载并直接下载到您的代码中。

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