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在 Power Automate 中,如何筛选列表并保存结果?

[英]In Power Automate, how do I filter a list and save the result?

I am trying to filter a list in Power Automate.我正在尝试过滤 Power Automate 中的列表。 I followed the instructions, and it's correct, but it doesn't save the result to my variable and there is no "output" variable for me to save it manually.我按照说明操作,这是正确的,但它不会将结果保存到我的变量中,并且没有“输出”变量可供我手动保存。 How do I save the result?如何保存结果?


Oh nevermind;哦,没关系; I found the results, it was in the "Body" variable.我找到了结果,它在“Body”变量中。

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