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R Simmer - “键数和值不匹配”

[英]R Simmer - “Number of keys and values don't match”

I am trying to simulate a JSQ(d) (join-shortest-queue of d sampled queues) system but am having trouble executing my code. 我试图模拟JSQ(d)(d采样队列的连接最短队列)系统,但是我在执行代码时遇到了问题。 In this case, let us assume d=2. 在这种情况下,我们假设d = 2。 I wish to have job size determined upon arrival (the value of "X") as well as the selection of which 2 queues will be sampled and "JSQ-ed" (this could be done perhaps differently, though for my purposes beyond this minimal working example, these must be determined upon arrival). 我希望在到达时确定工作规模(“X”的值),以及选择哪两个队列进行抽样和“JSQ-ed”(这可能会有所不同,尽管我的目的超出了这个工作实例,这些必须在抵达时确定)。


sim <- simmer("sim")

queues <- vector(length=1000)
for (i in 1:1000) {
  queues[i] <- paste0("q_",i)

queueing_system <- trajectory() %>%
  set_attribute("X", function() rexp(1)) %>%
  set_attribute("d", function() sample(1000,2)) %>%
  select(function() queues[get_attribute(sim, "d")], policy="shortest-queue") %>%
  timeout(function() get_attribute(sim, "X")*(rpois(1, 1)+1)) %>%

for (i in 1:1000) {
  sim %>%
    add_resource(queues[i], 1)
sim %>%
  add_generator("path", queueing_system, function() rexp(1,1)) %>%
  run(400) %>%

I receive 我收到

Error: 'path0' at 0.15 in [SetAttribute]->SetAttribute->[Select]:
 number of keys and values don't match

What seems to be the issue and how might I go about fixing this? 什么似乎是问题,我怎么可能解决这个问题?

Attributes store a single value. 属性存储单个值。 Why don't you sample directly in the select activity? 为什么不直接在select活动中进行采样? Ie, 也就是说,

queueing_system <- trajectory() %>%
  set_attribute("X", function() rexp(1)) %>%
  select(function() queues[sample(1000, 2)], policy="shortest-queue") %>%
  timeout(function() get_attribute(sim, "X")*(rpois(1, 1)+1)) %>%

I would call rexp(1) in place too, instead of defining X . 我也会调用rexp(1) ,而不是定义X

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