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在perl脚本(cgi-bin)中使用`sudo grep syslog`时权限被拒绝

[英]permission denied when using `sudo grep syslog` inside perl script (cgi-bin)

i have perl script inside my cgi-bin folder, what i want is grep syslog using sudo grep (because it is root), but i got this message 我在我的cgi-bin文件夹中有perl脚本,我想要的是使用sudo grep的grep syslog(因为它是root),但是我收到了这条消息

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. 我们相信您已收到本地系统管理员的通常讲座。 It usually boils down to these three things: 它通常归结为这三件事:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.

so, any solution to solve this problem ?? 那么,解决这个问题的任何解决方案??

您应该使用NOPASSWD将apache / nginx用户添加到sudoers以便工作(不是很值得推荐)

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