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[英]How do I select specific lines from a file based on line number?

I have a class which takes in the name of the module to be tested. 我有一个采用要测试的模块名称的类。 Then the class scans though a master text file and finds the files that need to be compiled based on the module selected. 然后,该类将扫描一个主文本文件,并根据所选模块找到需要编译的文件。

This is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

class Module():

    def __init__ (self,name):
        self.name = name
        module_start_line = []

        with open('master_module_list.txt', 'r') as master_list:
            for start_no, master_lines in enumerate(master_list):
                if re.search('module ' + self.name, master_lines):

module eeprom_top
module fan_ip
module backplane

So if the user types in "fan_ip" then I want to copy the two lines after module fan_ip from the text file. 因此,如果用户键入“ fan_ip”,那么我想从文本文件中复制module fan_ip之后的两行。

I am fairly new to python so feel free to correct me on my previous code. 我对python相当陌生,因此可以随时根据我之前的代码对我进行更正。 I am using python 3.4. 我正在使用python 3.4。


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