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[英]What is the syntax for a function signature which returns an array of struct pointers in C?

I need a function to return an array of pointers to structs. 我需要一个函数来返回指向结构的指针数组。 What is the syntax for this? 这是什么语法? Conceptually I'm thinking struct my_struct *[] create_my_struct_table(int arr[], size_t length); 从概念上讲,我在考虑struct my_struct *[] create_my_struct_table(int arr[], size_t length); But this does not work. 但这是行不通的。 I am not trying to return an array of struct my_struct but rather an array of struct my_struct * . 我不是要返回struct my_struct数组,而是要返回struct my_struct *数组。

You cannot return an array in C. You can return a struct that contains an array (which may be an array of pointers). 不能返回C.你的阵列可以返回一个struct包含数组(其可以是指针数组)。 You can also return a pointer to an array, which must have a lifetime longer than the function that returns it, such as a static array or one returned from calloc() . 您还可以返回一个指向数组的指针,该数组的寿命必须比返回它的函数长,例如静态数组或从calloc()返回的函数。 If it is dynamically-allocated, the caller must free it once and only once. 如果它是动态分配的,则调用者必须释放一次并且只能释放一次。 Or the caller can allocate the destination array and pass its address as an output parameter. 或者,调用者可以分配目标数组,并将其地址作为输出参数传递。

struct mystruct ** foo(struct mystruct **arrayOFpointers)

    int i =0;
    while(arrayOFpointers[i] != NULL)
        //do something with *arrayOFpointers[i]
    return arrayOFpointers;
int main()
    int n = 10; // size
    struct mystruct *pointers[n];
    pointers[0] = (struct mystruct*)malloc(sizeof(struct mystruct));
    //allocate all other pointers in the array like this

    struct mystruct *processed_Pointers[n];

    processed_Pointers = foo(pointers);
return 0;

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