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[英]Angular: Load dynamic component

I have to load components in the routes dynamically. 我必须动态加载路由中的组件。

There is an environment variable in the env file and depending upon the value of that env variable I need to define component used in a route. env文件中有一个环境变量,根据该env变量的值,我需要定义路径中使用的组件。

Example: 例:

const mydashboard= env.value==='EnvA'?'dashboardA':'dashboardB;

const routes: Routes = [
    { path: '/dashboard', component: myDashboard }

Please let me know how can I make some of my routes dynamic as shown in the above examples which depend on some env variable value. 请让我知道如何使我的一些路线动态,如上面的示例所示,这取决于某些env变量值。

Try this: 尝试这个:

import { DashboardAComponent } from './dashboard-a/dashboard-a.component';
import { DashboardBComponent } from './dashboard-b/dashboard-b.component';


const routes: Routes = [

if (env.value === 'EnvA') {
  routes.push({ path: 'dashboard', component: DashboardAComponent });
} else if (env.value === 'EnvB') {
  routes.push({ path: 'dashboard', component: DashboardBComponent });

Basically you add new route object into routes array depending on your env.value. 基本上,您可以根据env.value将新路由对象添加到routes数组中。

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