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href =“ tel:”,电话中间带有+

[英]href=“tel:” with + in the middle of tel

I'm trying to use href="tel" in tag <a> with tel like **61*+70123456789# . 我正在尝试在标签<a>中将href="tel"**61*+70123456789#等tel **61*+70123456789# But the plus symbol removing on mobile devices. 但是在移动设备上删除了加号。 Looks like + can be only at the start of the tel. 看起来+只能在电话开头。

Trying to use %2B instead of + , but it still hiding. 尝试使用%2B代替+ ,但是它仍然隐藏。

<a href="tel: **67*+70123456789%23">**67*+70123456789#</a>

The tel: prefix on a HTML link tag ( <a> ) is used to compose a phone number. HTML链接标签( <a> )上的tel:前缀用于组成电话号码。 However, phone numbers cannot have a "+" symbol, except at the beginning to indicate the international country code, which is why you cannot do what you are trying. 但是,电话号码不能带有“ +”符号,除非在开头表示国际国家代码,这就是为什么您不能做自己想做的事情的原因。

For more information, check at the E.164 standard about phone number formatting. 有关更多信息,请查看E.164标准中有关电话号码格式的信息。

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