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如何获得Xioami Mi IO Binding的Roborock吸尘器令牌

[英]How do i get the Roborock Vacuum cleaner token for the Xioami Mi IO Binding

I want to add my Xiaomi RoboRock vacuum cleaner to the openHab. 我想将我的小米RoboRock吸尘器添加到openHab中。 After installing the Xiaomi Mi Io Binding, it asks for a token in the configuration. 安装Xiaomi Mi Io Binding后,它会在配置中请求令牌。 After seaching the internet they say you need to install a old version on the app, do a backup..... 在浏览互联网后,他们说你需要在应用程序上安装旧版本,做一个备份.....

I there a easier way to get that token? 我有一个更容易获得该令牌的方法吗?

There is: 有:

Since App version 5.4.49 the token is stored readable in the log files. 从App版本5.4.49开始,令牌在日志文件中可读存储。

  1. Make sure you have the Xiaomi App installed on you Android device 确保您在Android设备上安装了小米应用程序
  2. Setup your Roborock 设置您的Roborock
  3. goto SmartHome\\logs\\plug_DeviceManager 转到SmartHome \\ logs \\ plug_DeviceManager
  4. search the logs for the token 在日志中搜索令牌

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