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[英]How to receive only the transactions about particular set of addresses from blockchain without full syncing?

I am trying to parse Ethereum blockchain and read transactions which indicate transfer to or from the given set of addresses. 我试图解析以太坊区块链并读取指示传输到给定地址集或来自给定地址集的事务。 The problem is that to do so full synced node is needed and it takes too much space on dist. 问题是要这样做需要完全同步的节点,并且在dist上占用太多空间。 So, is there any way (or software) to accept new blocks and just read transactions of my concern without downloading all other transactions and with the same safety checks of blockchain? 那么,是否有任何方式(或软件)接受新的块并只读取我关注的事务而不下载所有其他事务并使用相同的区块链安全检查?

For the problem of querying informations about a particular set of adresses, there are multiple ways to achieve that: 对于查询有关特定地址集的信息的问题,有多种方法可以实现:

  1. Use a blockchain explorer like https://aleth.io 使用像https://aleth.io这样的区块链浏览器

  2. Use Google Big Query ( https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery?p=bigquery-public-data&d=ethereum_blockchain ) 使用Google Big Query( https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery?p=bigquery-public-data&d=ethereum_blockchain

  3. Use an archive synchronized node that unfortunately will fill up your hard drive! 使用存档同步节点,不幸的是会填满你的硬盘!

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