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[英]Query only elements which meets criteria

Let's say I have the following table: 假设我有下表:

id | packageName   | app | timestamp
1  | io.kodular... | A   | 111
2  | io.kodular... | B   | 222
3  | io.kodular... | A   | 444
4  | io.kodular... | C   | 555

How can I select elements grouped by app that have a timestamp higher than 333 , but they don't have any record lower than that number? 我该如何选择app分组的时间戳大于333元素,但没有低于该数字的记录?

I need to get only app C , as app A has a lower timestamp record than 333. I have tried the following query, but it returns both app A and app C : 我只需要获取app C ,因为app A的时间戳记录比333低。我尝试了以下查询,但它同时返回了app Aapp C

SELECT app FROM table WHERE timestamp>=333 AND NOT timestamp<333 GROUP BY app;

Any idea how can I perform that query? 知道如何执行该查询吗?

Use conditional aggregation: 使用条件聚合:

FROM table t
HAVING MIN(timestamp) >= 333 ;

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