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有没有办法在Wing Personal 7.0中查看数据框架?

[英]Is there a way to view data frames nice in Wing Personal 7.0?

I want to view my data frames in a nice/pretty way like in Jupyter. 我想以一种漂亮/漂亮的方式查看我的数据框,就像在Jupyter中一样。

I updated from Wing IDE 101 6.0 to Wing Personal 7.0, but did not see a difference in how my data frames are displayed. 我从Wing IDE 101 6.0更新到Wing Personal 7.0,但没有看到我的数据框的显示方式有所不同。 Also, I pip installed IPython and used the display function, but my data frames did not appear any different. 另外,我pip安装了IPython并使用了显示功能,但我的数据框没有出现任何不同。 I have also tried packages such as tabulate, but I am looking more to replicate the dataframe viewers in Jupyter without having to use Jupyter to run my code. 我也尝试过像tabulate这样的软件包,但是我更希望在Jupyter中复制数据框查看器而不必使用Jupyter来运行我的代码。

新的数组和数据框查看器仅在Wing Pro中,而不是Wing 101或Wing Personal。

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