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[英]passing command line arguments to anova

Simple problem, but only examples I can find of passing command line arguments use 'file=' and not any formulas. 这个问题很简单,但只有通过命令行参数传递的示例可以使用'file ='而不是任何公式。

eg data.txt 例如data.txt

id    var1  group
1     5     1
2     6     1
3     4     1
4     12    2
5     14    2
6     20    2

Why doesn't this work to specify the group variable to anova in the command line: ./anova.R data.txt group 为什么在命令行中将组变量指定为anova无效:./anova.R data.txt group

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

data1 <- read.table(args[1],sep="\t", header =TRUE)

result <- summary(aov(richness ~ args[2], data=data1))
capture.output(result, file="alphatests.txt",append=TRUE)

variable lengths differ (found for 'args[2]') Calls: summary ... -> eval -> eval -> -> model.frame.default Execution halted 可变长度不同(为'args [2]'找到)调用:summary ...-> eval-> eval->-> model.frame.default暂停执行

But this does work (when there is a column name 'group' in both examples): 但这确实有效(当两个示例中都有一个列名“ group”时):

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

data1 <- read.table(args[1],sep="\t", header =TRUE)

result <- summary(aov(richness ~ group, data=data1))
capture.output(result, file="alphatests.txt",append=TRUE)

Why can't I pass a command line argument to a formula? 为什么不能将命令行参数传递给公式?

We can use standard methods for changing the formula 我们可以使用标准方法来更改公式

result <- summary(aov(reformulate(args[2], 'richness'), data = data1))

-fullcode -fullcode

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)

data1 <- read.table(args[1], header =TRUE)
result <- summary(aov(reformulate(args[2], 'richness'), data = data1))

-run the script in terminal -在终端中运行脚本

$ Rscript anova.R data.txt group
#            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
#group        1 160.17  160.17   17.47 0.0139 *
#Residuals    4  36.67    9.17                 
#Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

NOTE: Assuming the second column name to be 'richness' in data1.txt 注意:假设第二列名称为data1.txt中的“丰富性”

Command-line arguments are returned as strings so it does not work when you pass it to aov function. 命令行参数以字符串形式返回,因此当您将其传递给aov函数时, aov不起作用。 One workaround is to use get 一种解决方法是使用get

result <- summary(aov(richness ~ get(args[2]), data=data1))

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