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Laravel 店铺经纬度

[英]Laravel store latitude and longitude

I'm storing latitude and longitude and the problem I'm having is when it is being stored it gets rounded up, which isn't what I want.我正在存储纬度和经度,我遇到的问题是当它被存储时它会被四舍五入,这不是我想要的。 Otherwise those field values become incorrect when using the latitude and longitude on the map.否则,在 map 上使用纬度和经度时,这些字段值会变得不正确。

This is what I'm using:这就是我正在使用的:

$table->decimal('lat', 10, 8)->nullable();
$table->decimal('lng', 11, 8)->nullable();

this value -40.95560269999999 gets turned into this -40.9556027000 when I just want -40.9556026999当我只想要 -40.9556026999 时,这个值 -40.95560269999999 变成了这个 -40.9556027000

Use double in your migrations instead of decimals, see below在迁移中使用double而不是小数,见下文


The best way to use double in your migrations instead of decimals, is see below:在迁移中使用 double 而不是 decimals 的最佳方法如下所示:

$table->decimal('long', 10, 7)->nullable();
$table->decimal('lat', 10, 7)->nullable();


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