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有没有一种简单的方法来重新创建字符串,其中的变量由 `+` 连接到 python f-string?

[英]Is there an easy way to recreate string with variables concatenated by `+` to python f-string?

I am currently refactoring poorly written legacy code, with code snippets like this:我目前正在重构写得不好的遗留代码,代码片段如下:

sql_tmp = (
                + "(case when "
                + self.time_name
                + ">="
                + str(int(aggFrom))
                + " and "
                + segm_var
                + " = '"
                + segment
                + "'"
                + " then "
                + colName
                + " end)"


 "fill share <",

I would like to have an easy way to reformat these strings into Python f-string.我想有一种简单的方法将这些字符串重新格式化为 Python f-string。

AFAIK PyCharm has a way to redo "".format() type of strings into f-strings, but it does not work with pluses. AFAIK PyCharm 有一种方法可以将"".format()类型的字符串重"".format() f 字符串,但它不适用于加号。

Is there an easy way to achieve this?有没有简单的方法来实现这一目标?

I decided to write my own script, and I paste the code snippet into long string.我决定编写自己的脚本,并将代码片段粘贴到长字符串中。

    # creating f-string variable, if the string has no " on side of it
    "{" + stripped + "}"

    if '"' not in stripped[0]

    # removing "
    else stripped.replace('"', "")
    for stripped in [
        # removing whitespace and dividing the string by '+'
        x.strip() for x in " ".join(code_snippet.split()).split("+") 

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