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Docker 容器中缺少 python 包

[英]Missing python packages in Docker container

I am working on a tensorflow notebook in a Docker container.我正在 Docker 容器中处理 tensorflow notebook。 I manage additional dependencies via pipenv which I install during the build phase of the container.我通过在容器的构建阶段安装的 pipenv 管理其他依赖项。 Strangely enough some packages, which I explicitly install, "certifi" for example, do not seem to show up in the python environment.奇怪的是,我明确安装的一些软件包,例如“certifi”,似乎没有出现在 python 环境中。

I already tried to install it with pip in a RUN command, switched Python versions of the Pipfile and added pretty much everything to the PATH and PYTHONPATH env variables.我已经尝试在 RUN 命令中使用 pip 安装它,切换了 Pipfile 的 Python 版本并将几乎所有内容添加到 PATH 和 PYTHONPATH 环境变量中。 Strangely enough, if I log in to the container and do it by hand it works like a charm.奇怪的是,如果我登录到容器并手动完成,它就像一个魅力。

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-06bc95e4104d> in <module>
      6 # data wrangling
      7 import json
----> 8 import spacy
      9 from langdetect import detect
     10 import psycopg2

~usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/spacy/__init__.py in <module>
     10 from thinc.neural.util import prefer_gpu, require_gpu
---> 12 from .cli.info import info as cli_info
     13 from .glossary import explain
     14 from .about import __version__

~usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/spacy/cli/__init__.py in <module>
----> 1 from .download import download  # noqa: F401
      2 from .info import info  # noqa: F401
      3 from .link import link  # noqa: F401
      4 from .package import package  # noqa: F401
      5 from .profile import profile  # noqa: F401

~usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/spacy/cli/download.py in <module>
      4 import plac
----> 5 import requests
      6 import os
      7 import subprocess

~usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/requests/__init__.py in <module>
    110 from .__version__ import __copyright__, __cake__
--> 112 from . import utils
    113 from . import packages
    114 from .models import Request, Response, PreparedRequest

~usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/requests/utils.py in <module>
     23 from .__version__ import __version__
---> 24 from . import certs
     25 # to_native_string is unused here, but imported here for backwards compatibility
     26 from ._internal_utils import to_native_string

~usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/requests/certs.py in <module>
     13 packaged CA bundle.
     14 """
---> 15 from certifi import where
     17 if __name__ == '__main__':

ImportError: No module named 'certifi'

Did somebody face a similar problem already?有人已经遇到过类似的问题吗?

The minimal setup for reproduction would be the following:复制的最小设置如下:

docker-compose.yaml: docker-compose.yaml:

version: '3.1'

    container_name: Notebook
      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - "5430:8888"
    user: ${CURRENT_UID}

Dockerfile: Dockerfile:

FROM tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-py3-jupyter

RUN pip install --user pipenv
ENV PATH="/root/.local/bin:/.local/bin:${PATH}"
ENV PYTHONPATH="/usr/lib/python35.zip:/usr/lib/python3.5:/usr/lib/python3.5/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/python3.5/lib-dynload:/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages:/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages:/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages:${PYTHONPATH}"

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev libglib2.0-0 postgresql libpq-dev

# We copy just the requirements.txt first to leverage Docker cache
COPY ./Pipfile ./Pipfile
COPY ./Pipfile.lock ./Pipfile.lock

RUN pipenv install --deploy --system --ignore-pipfile
RUN python -m spacy download xx

RUN pip install --user certifi


url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

numpy = "*"
scikit-learn = {extras = ["alldeps"]}
spacy = "*"
langdetect = "*"
ipykernel = "*"
bokeh = "*"
ipywidgets = "*"
plotly = "*"
lapjv = "*"
tensorflow = "*"
"psycopg2" = "*"
gensim = "*"
cmake = "*"
certifi = "*"


python_version = "3.5"

Locking the Pipfile with pipenv lock , building and bringing the container up with docker-compose up --build and logging into the container reveals that the certifi package is not installed.使用pipenv lock锁定 Pipfile,使用pipenv lock docker-compose up --build构建和启动容器并登录到容器显示未安装 certifi 包。 Help would be greatly appreciated!帮助将不胜感激!

From your dockerfile, it looks like certifi is being installed after you run spacy which from the stack trace seems to rely on certifi从您的 dockerfile 看来,在您运行 spacy 之后,似乎正在安装 certifi,从堆栈跟踪来看,它似乎依赖于 certifi

RUN python -m spacy download xx

RUN pip install --user certifi

switch the order of those lines to install it before running the script which relies on it.在运行依赖它的脚本之前切换这些行的顺序以安装它。

Also, make sure that everything is configured to use python3, or explicitly use python3 and pip3另外,请确保所有内容都配置为使用 python3,或者明确使用python3pip3

Reviving the dead question: Apparently there was a version conflict that pip was not able to resolve.复活死问题:显然存在 pip 无法解决的版本冲突。 I switched to using Poetry as a module management solution and circumvented the issua that way.我转而使用 Poetry 作为模块管理解决方案,并以这种方式规避了问题。

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