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使用Json和BS4的HTML中的Scraping Script标签

[英]Scraping Script tag in HTML with Json and BS4


You cannot utilize BeautifulSoup for parsing Javascript data, but you can use re module ( data is your HTML code): 您不能使用BeautifulSoup来解析Javascript数据,但是可以使用re模块( data是您的HTML代码):

import re    
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'lxml')    
txt = soup.select('.Actions script')[1].text

print(re.search(r'sharedPaymentUrl:\s*"(.*?)"', txt)[1])

Prints: 打印:


Another way using bs4 4.7.1. 使用bs4 4.7.1的另一种方法。 :contains and split :包含并拆分

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
 #html would be response text  e.g. r = requests.get(url): soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')

html = '''

<div class="Actions">
                <input class="action" type="submit" id="submit-button" value="Place Order" title="Place Order" onclick="return showModal()" disabled="disabled" />
              <input type="hidden" id="EWAY_TransactionID" name="EWAY_TransactionID" value="" />
              <script src="https://secure.ewaypayments.com/scripts/eCrypt.js"> </script>
              <script type="text/javascript">
                var eWAYConfig = {
                  sharedPaymentUrl: "https://secure.ewaypayments.com/sharedpage/sharedpayment?AccessCode=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=="
                function showModal()
                  // verify captcha

                  // show modal
                  return eCrypt.showModalPayment(eWAYConfig, resultCallback);
                function resultCallback(result, transactionID, errors) {
                  if (result == "Complete") {
                    document.getElementById("EWAY_TransactionID").value = transactionID;
                    //Please wait until we process your order, James at 9/10/2017
                    document.getElementById("overlay").style.display = "block";
                  else if (errors != "")
                    alert("There was a problem completing the payment: " + errors);

soup = bs(html, 'lxml') 
target = 'sharedPaymentUrl: '
script = soup.select_one('.Actions script:contains("' + target + '")')
if script is None:
    url = 'N/A'
    url = script.text.split(target)[1].split('\n')[0]

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