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CSS @import“~materlize-css”| 使用Webpack | 没有风格

[英]CSS @import “~materlize-css” | Using Webpack | No style being made

I'm using Sage, a WordPress framework, and it lets you choose during creation some css frameworks, but I want to use Materialize CSS instead. 我正在使用Sage,一个WordPress框架,它允许您在创建期间选择一些css框架,但我想使用Materialise CSS代替。

It uses Webpack to build and combine the .scss files into one. 它使用的WebPack建立和合并.scss文件合并为一个。 I did an npm install materialize-css so it's in my node_modules . 我做了一个npm install materialize-css所以它在我的node_modules In my project structure, I made an scss file that's used to import the module basically. 在我的项目结构中,我创建了一个scss文件,用于基本导入模块。

I also have bulma in this build, included via the original creation, so I can try to see how the structure is setup. 我也有这个版本中的bulma,包含在原始创建中,因此我可以尝试查看结构的设置方式。 It uses the following import statement: 它使用以下import语句:

@import "~bulma";

This works. 这有效。 I'm so confused about how this works. 我很困惑这是如何工作的。 I think the ~ (tilde) tells Webpack something, but I don't know what. 我认为~ (代字号)告诉Webpack一些东西,但我不知道是什么。 What I figured is that Webpacks checks the package.json file or something and finds it in the node_modules. 我想通过Webpacks检查package.json文件或其他东西,并在node_modules中找到它。

I've tried @import "~materialize-css"; 我试过@import "~materialize-css"; with no luck. 没有运气。

Can someone explain what the heck Webpack is doing? 有人能解释一下Webpack正在做什么吗? Haha, because I can't find any documentation on this. 哈哈,因为我找不到任何关于此的文件。

Here are the node_module folder structures, maybe this has something to do with it: 这是node_module文件夹结构,也许这与它有关:


Perhaps the root of Bulma is bulma.sass yet for Materialize-CSS, there's no file, it's in sass/materialize.scss . 也许Bulma的根源是bulma.sass但是对于Materialise-CSS,没有文件,它在sass/materialize.scss

If needed, here's the github for the Sage framework, the webpack.config.js is in the build folder: https://github.com/roots/sage/tree/master/resources/assets 如果需要,这里是Sage框架的github, webpack.config.js位于build文件夹中: https//github.com/roots/sage/tree/master/resources/assets

You have to specific the file you want to import also like this 您必须像这样具体要导入的文件

@import "~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
@import "~font-awesome/scss/font-awesome";
@import "~toastr/toastr";

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