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[英]How can I read a file into a list of tuples including the line number?

I want to read a file into a list of tuples that stores the word itself and the line it is on.我想将文件读入存储单词本身及其所在行的元组列表中。

listinput = []

with open(args.infile, "r") as filein:
    for line in filein:
        line = line.strip(" .,!?\n\t")
        line = line.lower()
        tuples = line.split()

I also don't know how to get the line number in it.我也不知道如何获取其中的行号。 I am also not sure if i created a list of tuples right.我也不确定我是否正确创建了元组列表。

the content of the file, as well as the current and expected output, is not specified so I'm not sure what the content looks like, but:未指定文件的内容以及当前和预期的输出,因此我不确定内容是什么样的,但是:

you can use enumerate to also get the line number as you iterate lines您可以在迭代行时使用enumerate来获取行号

does this work for you?这对你有用吗?

listinput = []

with open(args.infile, "r") as filein:
    for num, line in enumerate(filein):
        line = line.strip(" .,!?\n\t")
        line = line.lower()
        tuples = (num, *line.split())

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