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SwiftUI:如何在 macOS 中使用 NavigationView?

[英]SwiftUI: how to use NavigationView in macOS?

I have two separate Xcode projects that I'm using to learn SwiftUI:我有两个单独的 Xcode 项目用于学习 SwiftUI:

  1. A true macOS project (not Catalyst) on Mac. Mac 上真正的 macOS 项目(不是 Catalyst)。
  2. An iOS project (iPhone).一个 iOS 项目 (iPhone)。

The following code creates a simple NavigationView with master-detail views:以下代码创建了一个带有主从视图的简单NavigationView

import SwiftUI

struct ListView : View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List() {
                NavigationButton(destination: Text("detail 1")) {
                    Text("row 1")
                NavigationButton(destination: Text("detail 2")) {
                    Text("row 2")

struct ListView_Previews : PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

It works as expected on iOS 👍它在 iOS 上按预期工作👍

But on the macOS project the same code as above doesn't work the same way 🤯但是在 macOS 项目上,与上面相同的代码并不能以相同的方式工作 🤯

When I launch the app on Mac, I get this window当我在 Mac 上启动应用程序时,我看到这个窗口


And when I click on any row, the detail view just collapses/disappears, never showing me detail view.当我单击任何行时,详细信息视图会折叠/消失,从不显示详细信息视图。


Any ideas how to fix this?任何想法如何解决这一问题? Maybe I'm missing something?也许我错过了什么? Or perhaps this is just a bug?或者这只是一个错误?

Here is my code that seems to fix it using Xcode 12.2 beta 3:这是我的代码,似乎使用 Xcode 12.2 beta 3 修复它:

import SwiftUI

var listItems = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4"]
var secondItems = ["Second 1", "Second 2", "Second 3", "Second 4"]

struct ContentView: View
    @State var select: String? = "Item 1"
    var body: some View
                    ForEach((0..<listItems.count), id: \.self)
                    {index in
                        NavigationLink(destination: SecondView(), tag: listItems[index], selection: $select)
                                .padding(.vertical, 2.0)
                Text("this is not the title")
                Button(action: {})
                    Label("Upload", systemImage: "square.and.arrow.up")
            .navigationTitle("My Title")

struct SecondView: View {

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
                ForEach((0..<secondItems.count), id: \.self)
                {index in
                    NavigationLink(destination: Text(secondItems[index]))
                            .frame(height: 20)

This makes a window like this:这使得一个窗口是这样的:


I don't have the answer but I'm trying to do the same thing and have a few observations to add, maybe they will help:我没有答案,但我正在尝试做同样的事情并有一些观察要添加,也许它们会有所帮助:

Add a destination View:添加目标视图:

NavigationButton(destination: DetailView()) {
            Text("Show Detail")

Setting a width on the NavigationView stops the right-hand view from disappearing.在 NavigationView 上设置宽度会阻止右侧视图消失。

Also, adding另外,添加

 .onAppear { print("DetailView called") } 

to the detail view shows that, even though it isn't being displayed, the view is in fact called when the button is clicked.详细视图显示,即使它没有被显示,当单击按钮时实际上会调用该视图。

Edit: it's there!编辑:它在那里! The view was hidden by the divider, drag it left to see the detail view.该视图被分隔线隐藏,将其向左拖动以查看详细视图。

Edit 2: Xcode beta 2 gives a "'NavigationView' is unavailable in macOS" message.编辑 2:Xcode beta 2 给出了“'NavigationView' 在 macOS 中不可用”消息。

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