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[英]Selenium - Python - same code works well with firefox but 10min slower with chrome

I want to click a button after an image is visible/ loaded, the test takes 10 min to run with Chrome Vs 0:00:00.029671 with firefox. 我想在可见/加载图像后单击一个按钮,该测试需要10分钟才能在具有Firefox的Chrome Vs 0:00:00.029671上运行。 It's too slow , i'd rather be running test manually. 它太慢了,我宁愿手动运行测试。 How can i have the same time execution ? 我怎样才能同时执行? i'm desperate , taking me days ...with multiple code solution from internet 我很拼命,花了我几天的时间...来自互联网的多种代码解决方案

I upgrade google Chrome 75.0.3770.90 and ChromeDriver
I added some options to run chrome :(not very helpful in this case)

connectionStatus = True

while connectionStatus == True:
        WebDriverWait(conn.driver, 10).until(ec.visibility_of_element_located(
            (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "img[src='../public/images//disconnect.png']")))
        element = conn.driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'img[src="../public/images//disconnect.png"]')

        connectionStatus = False
    except NoSuchElementException as e:
        print("Waiting for M to disconnect from VW")
    except TimeoutException:
        print("TIMEOUT - Element not found: ")

    conn.driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#btnSendUpd").click()

Execution: 执行:

Start:  2019-06-18 16:13:06.710734
TIMEOUT - Element not found: 
Diff =  0:05:00.004450
Diff =  0:05:00.046355

NB: the code html contains only css , not ID to use findElementById

Windows 10 - 64bits(I use chromedriver 32bits-they say that is working on 64bits)
Selenium 3.141.0

I was told that the website i'm testing works with Hidden Iframe (Comet Programming with Javascript), A basic technique for dynamic web application is to use a hidden iframe HTML element (an inline frame, which allows a website to embed one HTML document inside another). 有人告诉我我正在测试的网站与Hidden Iframe(使用Javascript进行彗星编程)一起工作,动态Web应用程序的一项基本技术是使用隐藏的iframe HTML元素(内嵌框架,该元素可以使网站嵌入一个HTML文档)里面)。 This invisible iframe is sent as a chunked block, which implicitly declares it as infinitely long (sometimes called "forever frame") 此不可见的iframe以块块的形式发送,该块隐式地将其声明为无限长(有时称为“永远帧”)

I checked "development tool"=> Network : it's like the script never stop F12-Network-Chrome , and i think that Chrome is waiting for it to finish, that's why he is too long (Firefox doesn't) 我检查了“开发工具” => Network:就像脚本永远不会停止F12-Network-Chrome一样 ,我认为Chrome正在等待它完成,这就是为什么他太长的原因(Firefox不会)

As a workaround i added this line to force chrome to not wait page loading too long : 作为一种解决方法,我添加了以下行以强制chrome不要等待页面加载时间太长:

driver.set_page_load_timeout(7) driver.set_page_load_timeout(7)

Execution now takes seconds: 执行现在需要几秒钟:

Start:  2019-06-20 13:23:24.746351  
TIMEOUT - Element not found    
Diff =  0:00:07.004282    
Diff =  0:00:07.036196

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