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[英]How to add a device to provisioning profile automatically?

I want to allow my users to install my iOS app with ad-hoc distribution. 我想允许我的用户通过即兴分发安装我的iOS应用。 I want to get their UDIDs and add them to the provisioning profile automatically. 我想获取其UDID并将其自动添加到配置文件中。 I know how to do it manually in the developer portal but what I need is an api to do this process automatically not manually. 我知道如何在开发人员门户中手动执行此操作,但我需要的是一个可以自动执行此过程的api,而不是手动执行。

  • Does apple provide any api or other means to add devices to provisioning profile automatically? 苹果是否提供任何api或其他方式将设备自动添加到配置文件?

(Note that I do not have any device available. I just have their UDIDs) (请注意,我没有任何可用的设备。我只有他们的UDID)

Xcode will automatically add your devices into your provisioning profile. Xcode会自动将您的设备添加到您的配置文件中。 You will see a warning about that on xcode. 您将在xcode上看到关于此的警告。 You can click "Register" button on it. 您可以单击“注册”按钮。

Try the below steps 请尝试以下步骤

  1. Login to your iphone provisioning portal through developer.apple.com 通过developer.apple.com登录到您的iPhone供应门户
  2. Add the UDID in devices 在设备中添加UDID
  3. Go back to XCode, open up the Organizer and select "Provisioning Profiles", ensure that "Automatic Device Provisioning" is checked on the top right pane, then click on the "Refresh" button, and magically all your devices set in the provisioning portal will be automatically added. 返回XCode,打开管理器并选择“ Provisioning Profiles”,确保在右上方窗格中选中“ Automatic Device Provisioning”,然后单击“ Refresh”按钮,然后神奇地在Provisioning Portal中设置了所有设备将被自动添加。

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